May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 790: : Not used to...

In the end, at the strong request of the prisoners, the sentence was changed from a week of detention to a detention of 15 days.

After half a month.

Fourteen, who took Jiang Cheng out of the prison, looked at Jiang Cheng, who still had a hopeless expression on his face, and let out an impatient groan.

"In short, don't always think about suicide. This world is also very beautiful, and there are many things that make people happy and worth looking forward to. Get up and live."

"Sorry, I...I still can't accept the reality. Can I add Xing? It's like that..."


Edo in the middle of the night, feasting and feasting, is a bit more noisy than the daytime.

Jiang Cheng, who stopped and walked aimlessly, came to a very imposing overpass built.

Standing in front of the railing, Jiang Cheng was blowing the refreshing sea breeze without any waves. His eyes were full of gentleness, and he quietly stared at the water surface that only occasionally stirred up a little bit of waves.

Behind him is a bustling, brightly lit high-rise building.

The sound of cars, people's voices...noisy.

"I told you..."

Fourteen's voice came from behind Jiang Cheng.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng turned to look at the impatient Fourteen who did not know when.

Shi Shi, who had just got off the police car, frowned with impatience on his face.

"Didn't I just tell you to live a good life? Why can't I think about it again?"

"No, that I'm not..."

"I know, I know." Shi Shi lit a cigarette, then pulled out another and handed it to Jiang Cheng, "Come with me, after all, this is also the job of the police."

"I don't smoke." Jiang Cheng declined, "and come on... what is it?"

Shi Shi, who put away the cigarette and opened the car door, said casually, "What else? Of course, I'll invite you to have a drink. For some things, just have a drink and forget about it. Hey! By the way, why should I invite the prisoner to drink? But... forget it. , it's only for today, and it just so happens that I also want to have a drink today."

In Kabukicho, because of the death of her husband, only her mother-in-law is left with a small set meal house run by herself.

The mother-in-law at the counter looked at the fourteen who pushed the door and entered, with a smile on her face: "Ara, it's really rare, Tufang-sang, actually brought someone here."

"Ah, when I met such a person who was a little confused on the road, I dragged him over. He! I have to give people a psychological counseling class or something after get off work..."

Fourteen sat down at the counter, and continued as usual, "Speaking of mother-in-law, didn't the government come down to inform you about the demolition plan a while ago? Why are you still opening a shop? Could it be that the demolition funds have not been negotiated?"

"No, it's not." My mother-in-law said as she turned around and was busy with her work. "The demolition money they gave, mother-in-law, I can't spend in my whole life. It's just... I want to work for a while until the last day."

"That's it..." Said, Shi Shi pulled out the stool beside him and motioned Jiang Cheng to sit down, "Very good, take a large amount of demolition funds, live in a bright building, and enjoy the rest of your life. Qingfu, you can even travel to the universe or something."

"Yes..." The mother-in-law smiled, "I didn't expect such a peaceful old age. Unlike that old man, mother-in-law, I have caught up with the good times."

"Indeed, it's a good day..." After sighing, Shi Shi fell silent.

Jiang Cheng could see that in the fourteen's eyes, in addition to relief, there was also a bit of loneliness, just like the eyes of that mother-in-law.

Jiang Cheng understood that it wasn't that he was reluctant to give up, it was just that he was not used to it.

Many people in this new and peaceful new era are like these two people. They are not reluctant to give up, but they are not used to it. It's just because these people are at this juncture, and the sudden changes make people caught off guard.

I believe that one day, in the next few years or ten years, the people of this country will completely get used to the current life, and get used to this country that is safe, peaceful, and does not need to pick up the sword in person.

Fourteen, who came back to his senses, turned his face and frowned at Jiang Cheng: "Let's talk about your affairs, you want to commit suicide just for such a little thing, you are really a person who can't stand the blow. Well. Mother-in-law, bring me all the wine I have here today. Anyway, this place will be closed soon."

Jiang Cheng reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth: "Then what... don't you still want to drive?"

"Throw it here first, and let the patrolling go back later."

"Liu... Does Tufang-sang like to drink alone in a place like this?"

Fourteen took the wine bottle handed by her mother-in-law and said while pouring the wine: "I have some good wine here, and I don't like drinking with others, so occasionally I come here alone to have a few drinks.

It used to be, but it has not changed in this new era.


It seems that this habit will have to change in the future.


had to change. "

"Is that so..." Saying that, Jiang Cheng suddenly discovered something, and turned to look at the old TV that was broadcasting the news, which seemed to be a military parade.

Shi Shi turned back and glanced at the TV, and said, "The police are the police now, the army is the army, and the functions are completely separated. See."

Jiang Cheng took the wine handed over by Fourteen, and smiled softly: "Tufang-sang also came from the old times? Compared with the police, it may be more accustomed to serving in the army, right?"

"Ah, maybe it is." Shi Shi said softly, "but I always feel that no matter where I am, it is the same for the people of this country. So in the end, I chose a job that I am more familiar with. Besides, you don't think I am. Does it not match the temperament of those soldiers?"

"Ah, indeed."

"This era is a good era. People don't need to pick up their swords and fight for themselves, their families, and their cherished things. Living in such a new era, it is you and everyone's luck in this era. So, stop For the sake of a little setback, commit suicide or something."

"Ah, I see." After responding, Jiang Cheng raised the small wine glass in his hand, "This wine is..."

Looking at the clear, translucent water-like wine in the wine glass, Fourteen responded lightly, "A wine that people who don't know whether to like it or hate it like to drink.

I don't know if I should toast his guy's favorite wine.

So I've kept it here since I bought it.

Come to think of it, I'm still the same as before, I'm still confused, and I'm still confused about this kind of thing.

In the end, at the end of that person, I still couldn’t…”

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Shi was stunned for a while, looking at the wine glass that Jiang Cheng had touched, slightly absent-minded.

"It's really a good wine." Jiang Cheng, who drank the wine in his glass, praised softly, then bent his eyes and showed a smile, "Tufang-sang, you don't have to be confused about this kind of thing, right? Knowing that a man is a creature, when he is invited to drink the wine he likes, few will refuse it without interest. And coincidentally, I also like this kind of wine very much."

"Really," Shi Shi shook his head with a bit of a smile, "you really look a little like that guy."

"Is he as handsome as me?"

"Who said that! It's just the hairstyle and the expression!"

"Looks like I'm more handsome."

"Well, he really doesn't look good, he's far worse than me."

Jiang Cheng: …

"A friend of mine once said that the fundamental reason why people in this country take up swords is that no one but themselves can protect themselves and the things they care about.

As a true monarch, you can't just see the people working hard for what they care about, and turn a blind eye to the shadows and helplessness under the sword in the people's hearts. "

On TV, he was being interviewed, and Mao Mao, who was dressed in formal clothes, was talking with big dark circles under his eyes. It could be seen that this leader of the new era should not have much time to rest.

"Thanks to him, I can see the inadequacies of this country.

I've also been trying to make this country the kind of country where people don't need to take up swords anymore.

The existence that the people cherish will no longer be unguarded.

This country will be your treasure and your sanctuary.

From now on, the sword of this country will be for the people,

Keep guarding. "

"That's really good..." Fourteen murmured.


Seeing the fourteen who had been drunk unconsciously and fell asleep on the table, Jiang Cheng drank his last glass of wine and got up slowly.

"Mother-in-law, wait for this guy to wake up and tell him, "Your preaching sucks, and as a police officer, what's the point of complaining on your own?"


The guy who wanted to commit suicide is probably recovering.

thanks for treatment.

goodbye. "

After that, Jiang Cheng turned around, opened the door of the store and stepped out slowly.

Dengshi small shop.

"Why are you drinking without money! Get out!"

With the roar of mother-in-law Dengshi, the sunglasses were thrown out.

"What! It's too stingy!"

Hasegawa, who got up, complained.

"I heard it! This place is about to be demolished, right? You will become rich soon! Why are you so stingy? There will be a lot of billions! What's wrong with drinking your wine ?"

"That has nothing to do with you! Don't come to the tavern if you don't have money!"

"Hmph," Yin Shi, who was sitting at the counter, sighed and sighed: "Or it's a new era, I didn't expect that Yin Sang, who has always hated the eldest young master, will become a rich man one day. The eldest young master. I really responded to that sentence and became the existence I hate the most."

"What are you sighing about!" Granny Dengshi roared with white eyes and bursting blue veins: "It has nothing to do with you!"

"Mom what are you talking about?"

"Who is your mother! Get out of here too!"

After that, UU reading a silver hair natural curl was also thrown out.

"But it's really a good thing, it's become a demolition household." Xin Ba Hao, who was sitting in front of the counter, said with a smile.

Kagura on the side is gnashing his teeth: "Cut! Why is the demolition area just in front of my house! It's almost a little while that my house is also a demolition house, Aru!"

Xin Ba Hao asked: "But what will Granny Dengshi plan to do after getting such a large sum of money after the demolition?"

Granny Dengshi held a cigarette and said casually, "What else can I do? Enjoy your old age, buy a modern big house, travel to the universe or something..."

"Mom, in fact, the universe is full of radiation, which is not good for your health."

Gintoki, who came to the front desk and sat down again, had a serious look on his face.

"Who is your mother! Get out of here!"


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