May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1208: Su Hai's Enemy

This made her couldn't help but think of Su Hai's words, is she going to lose Meng Xingzhi in the end?

"Let me go out!" Su Yun stood by the coffee table looking at the living room, softened her attitude and said to her aunt: "It's been five days, what do you mean by keeping me at home?"

"Commander Su, I really didn't shut you down. The people sent by Army Commander Meng kept guarding every step of the way. I can't help it." Auntie Cook said with a look of embarrassment, "If you take a rest early! Already! It's late."

"Can't sleep." Su Yun poured herself a glass of red wine and drank slowly, "You go to bed first!" She was also mad, why tell an aunt who cooks?

What can she do to let herself go?

Everything depends on Meng Xingzhi's attitude.

Su Yun suddenly felt that she was very sad, and she was clearly dominant. How could she fall to the point of being locked up?

The living room was very quiet, with only a small lamp turned on. Recently, she had been upside down in the morning and evening, and she couldn't sleep at night.

Suddenly, the phone on the coffee table rang, and the crisp sound seemed very harsh in the quiet night.

No matter how unpleasant calls are at this time, it is good for Su Yun, at least she is not lonely anymore.

"Hello, I'm Su Yun."

On the other end of the phone, Su Hai's deep eyes flickered dimly, like a beast choosing people to eat in the dark night. "You are very happy?"

"...Is it Xiao Hai?" Su Yun was startled by this tone, "Xiao Hai, why haven't you slept?"

"I ask if you are very happy?" Su Hai asked stubbornly.

Su Yun frowned unhappily, "Xiaohai, I am your sister, did you just talk to your sister like this? Even if I am expelled from the family, I must have the least respect?"

Su Hai closed his eyes in pain, "I was crazy to think of talking on the phone with someone like you."

"Xiaohai, you are so inexplicable." Su Yun was very happy. "Are you here to get into trouble? Are you happy to see me being locked up?"

"I'm not getting into trouble, I'm telling you, you will be my enemy of Su Hai from now on."

Su Yun was startled and finally realized that the matter was big. Xiaohai didn't say anything when he was kicked out of the family by his father. Although I no longer take care of myself, I take care of myself over and under.

Why are you suddenly becoming her enemy now?

"Xiaohai, please make it clear, what is it that I did wrong and you want to punish me like this?" This is the brother who cares about her the most, and is the biggest support for Su Yun to be so arrogant.

Su Hai didn't speak.

Su Yun was anxious, "Are you quarreling with my father? That's because he was too eccentric, and I didn't want to." She was also very helpless, obviously a fake and shoddy, and the father is still a treasure. Put her biological daughter aside, if it weren't for them, how could she quarrel with the old man?

The other party's phone suddenly hung up, and Su Yun yelled unwillingly: "Xiaohai, listen to me. You really can't blame me for this."


Su Yun called for a long time, and finally put down the phone in frustration. Looking up, I don't know when the door of the living room opened. Meng Xingzhi was standing outside the door in a military uniform with a black umbrella in his hand.

The guard followed a dozen steps away with a black umbrella,

Su Yun saw her husband after such a long time, she was a bit sluggish, "Yes..." she said, greeted him, and when she saw Meng Xingzhi, he saw his livid face, the words behind swallowed back. .

"Even you came to blame me?"

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