May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1209: File for divorce

"Your father just passed away." Meng Xingzhi stood in the rain, the rain dripped on the umbrella, half of his clothes and sleeves were soaked. But even so, he didn't take a step forward.

I don't know since when this so-called home is no longer a home. He would rather stand in the rain than take a step in the door.

Su Yun listened quietly, and a sad mood suddenly surged in her heart. But then she thought that the old man was already old, and it was already profitable to live so old, and there was nothing to be sad about.

"Then do you want to let me out? My dad is dead, I want to worship." Su Yun said.

Her reaction was a bit beyond Meng Xingzhi's expectation. Although Su Yun in her impression was a bit headstrong, she was still kind. I am more tolerant to people, but I didn't expect it to be like this now?

Standing in the rain, Meng Xingzhi looked hard at the wife he had vowed to take care of his whole life, and found that her face was so fuzzy, it was no longer what he remembered.

"At this time, you still don't want to let me out?" Su Yun asked unhappyly, "Meng Xingzhi, I did not expect you to be so cruel to you."

Meng Xingzhi shook his head, and the confusion just disappeared suddenly, "Okay! I will let you out, and when the funeral of the father is finished, we can apply for divorce!"

"What are you talking about?" This shock was obviously more unbearable for Su Yun than the old man's death. She rushed out the door and stood in the rain looking at Meng Xingzhi in disbelief, "What did you say? You say it again."

"I said we apply for a divorce." This idea is not there now, but he has been hesitant, and he once promised that Old Su will take care of Su Yun forever.

"How can you do this Meng Xingzhi? You promised to take care of me for the rest of your life. Have you forgotten the vows you once swore?" Su Yun shook Meng Xingzhi's clothes crazily, "Did you forget everything you said? "The rain hit Su Yun's body, and it immediately drenched the city. Her hair was sticking to her eyes, but she couldn't control it.

Divorce is no different for her than when the sky falls. Meng Xingzhi is her belief, a dream she has been chasing since she was a child. Only she and Shen Xinwen are the second generation of their generation to be able to marry the man she loved since childhood.

It's a pity that Shen Xinwen died earlier than she, she was immersed in the happiness of being able to grow old with Meng Xingzhi. If she were divorced like this, she would not even be able to match Shen Xinwen, who died early.

At least Hai Yunbing hadn't remarried these years and kept his vows. But what about her? She didn't want to die alone, she would go crazy just thinking about those days.

"I haven't forgotten!" Meng Xingzhi stood as steady as Mount Tai, and said indifferently: "I swore the oath in front of the old man Su at the beginning, but that was an oath to the old man Su, now he is no longer there." Su Yun’s umbrella was knocked down by Su Yun's frantic struggle. The guards behind him saw that the commander was standing alone in the rain and was about to come up to support him, but Meng Xingzhi waved to stop him.

"Even if my dad is dead, you can't go back." Su Yun's eyes widened, her eyes red as ghosts, "Meng Xingzhi, you have always been a hero in my mind and a gentleman who keeps your promise. I didn't expect you to be a little boy. People, my dad just died, you actually regretted it."

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