May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1247: Live Hades also come

"What's the matter? Did you let me eat?" Meng Ping put down his chopsticks angrily, his handsome face was full of sullen expression, "Get out of the noise again."

"Boss, the living king came just now. He also brought machine guns, mortars and engineering squads."

At this time, the southern customer almost hid under the table in fright, "Second Master Meng, you... who did you offend?"

"Oh! I may have offended my old man." Meng Ping put down his chopsticks, wishing to kick the little fat man, "Grandma, why don't you say that the living king is here?"

"Didn't you say that they dare not do it? And when I came, the Living Hades hadn't arrived yet." The little fat man expressed his grievance.

"Hai Shen will not do it, but the Living Hades will definitely do it." Meng Ping rushed out angrily. Others don't know, but he knows better than anyone else.

Everyone said that Shen Feihu was a lunatic, but the Living Hades was definitely not better than him. It's just that the guy is too cunning, others don't know it. He personally led the team and didn't smash him. He would never give up.

Meng Ping was right! He really knows Xu Qigang. Since I personally brought people here, if I don't move back brick by brick, there is no way to explain it to the teacher. It doesn't matter if you can't explain to the teacher, the most important thing is that you can't explain to the people under your hand, let alone explain to yourself.

The Wolf Warriors regiment never sent troops casually, and when they sent troops, they must hear the noise, or it would humiliate the reputation of the Wolf Warriors regiment.

So when Meng Ping arrived in a hurry, the two-story building of Next Magazine had been demolished in half. There was a mess everywhere, and the staff of the magazine squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands and surrendered.

Haishen smoked leisurely on the side. Grandma's, no wonder the 39th Division is so arrogant. This feels really cool! He couldn't help but want to apply for transfer to the thirty-nine division.

"Notify the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Cultural Bureau that a group of suspects spreading illegal publications have been caught, and let them come and arrest them." Xu Qigang commanded solemnly.

In fact, Zhao Changqi had already led people to keep silently not far away, and he was waiting for him to appear when he needed to appear. As Xu Qigang's voice fell, he rushed out directly with someone, and handcuffed everyone including Xu Mo.

"Innocent! We didn't."

"Shut up all to me." Zhao Changqi said impatiently.

Having had the experience of the last detention, and knowing the real reason for being arrested, Xu Mo knew clearly that he quickly signaled everyone not to panic. "The boss will come to bail us out, don't panic."

Consoling everyone, don't panic, in fact, he panicked to death.

Sure enough, military lace news is absolutely impossible to write, and next time you lend him a courage, he will definitely not write it.

Xu Mo looked at Xu Qigang who was not far away thinking about the faint resentment. Fortunately, he regarded him as an unattainable hero in his mind. It's too much, how can it be so brutal and vicious?

Say you do it?

"Where is your boss?" A soldier walked over and asked, "Why isn't your boss here yet?"

"We don't know." Only entry is allowed and no exit is allowed. Where do they know the boss?

"Fuck!" The soldier exploded, "If you don't come, I'll just shoot."

When Meng Ping arrived in a hurry, what he saw was this picture. Fortunately, he was mentally prepared on the way here, otherwise he would have died on the spot.

Anyway, the little fat man was dashed.

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