May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1248: The second youngest, offended

"It's over, this is over!"

"Our boss is here!" Xu Mo shouted happily.

Xu Qigang was talking to Haishen, but when he saw Meng Ping from a distance, he raised his eyebrows.

"Hunshi Demon King is here." Haishen gleefully said: "This is the first time I have seen such a cheating. He really dares. Just like him, it is not an exaggeration to sentence him to life imprisonment."

"It's just because he's the son of the army commander, otherwise he wouldn't dare to write like that." Xu Qigang said. Since Meng Fan's death, the commander's indulgence towards Meng Ping has been increasing day by day. Although Meng Ping is now a lot more sensible than before, there is no shortage of holes to poke.

Last time I got involved with mercenaries in southern Xinjiang, this time I wrote directly about Lao Tzu's lace news.

"Grab it." Xu Qigang ordered.

"Wait... You can't do this for the Living Hades." Grandma's, she had known that he would not be coming, so she just had to let people smash the place into scum.

Others don't listen to Meng Ping, they just step forward and tie people up. Many people knew Meng Ping. Every time he was beaten and thrown into the group by the group leader, everyone had already known each other.

"Second Young Master, offended."

"Let go of me, I have something to discuss."

"Dare to write indiscriminately?" Xu Qigang asked.

"Don't dare, absolutely don't dare." Grandma's, Meng Ping felt that he was horrible at the thought of the broken ribs of the swollen nose that was often beaten before.

"Change it?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely change it. It's definitely a tribute to good things."

"Okay!" Xu Qigang nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Zhao Changqi: "Brothers from the hard-working criminal police team, just catch the behind-the-scenes instructions. The staff below actually don't know anything."

"Huh?" Meng Ping was dumbfounded, "Live Hades, you count me again."

"Take it away!" Zhao Changqi suffocated a smile and took Meng Ping to the police, and then asked Xu Mo and others to be released.

"Receive the team!" Xu Qigang came quickly and returned quickly. After withdrawing first, Haishen went on the road and walked to Xu Mo and said, "Do you know why you let you go?"

"Because we are innocent?" Xu Mo asked blankly.

Hai Shenqi went up with a kick, "If you are innocent, will the world still be innocent? That kind of article can Meng Ping write?"

"That... what does that mean?"

"Really stupid!" Haishen glared at Xu Mo contemptuously. Where did Meng Ping get this idiot? "I let you change your mind and clarified the previous wrong news, you know?"

"Oh! I know, thanks for the battalion commander's reminder." Xu Mo suddenly realized.

Haishen held his forehead and took the people back.

This time it was a big trouble, but there was no disturbance. Many people are still making friends in private, and Hai Shen has been worried for a long time before criticizing the whole army.

It is said that Commander Meng was called to the office by the commander. He didn't know what he said, but he was all resolved after he came out.

The next day, the People's Liberation Army Daily published a commentator article. The wording of the article is sharp, pointing to Su Yun's unkindness and revealing the real reason for the divorce of Commander Meng.

More emphatically pointed out Yang Wenying's innocence, and fully affirmed her efforts in work and reform and innovation in the article. For a time, Yang Wenying's reputation was pushed to a new height.

From everyone spurned to everyone's sympathy, it was just an overnight distance.

On the third day, Next Magazine urgently printed the magazine and released it in large numbers. The front page of the magazine is an eloquent letter of apology. The letter apologizes and repents for publishing false news without confirmation.

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