In the end, the two followed Su Jiang's suggestion and agreed to move back to the compound first. Moreover, Xu Qigang has his own considerations, and is also worried that when he is no longer home, Xiao Ning can't take care of himself with mobility problems alone.

Since the speed of the car can't be fast, Sheng Ning is just looking for a topic to talk.

"Live Hades, I heard you arrested Meng Ping?"

"I didn't catch it, it was Zhao Changqi."

Sheng Ning makes a grimace. It is indeed not you, but if you don't speak, does Zhao Changqi dare to arrest someone?

"Let's close it for a while." She said deliberately badly.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Xu Qigang's mouth, "I also have this plan."

In fact, the real reason for his arrest of Meng Ping was only known by the army commander and the division commander. The last time Meng Ping saw Li Xia's true face, he might be retaliated and killed.

He was shut down for his safety.

It's impossible for this Hunshi Demon to want him to stay in the compound or the army honestly. The commander of the army had mentioned it several times before, but Meng Ping was taken as a deaf ear.

This time, he was just scheming.


Summer nights always come late, the night sky is high, and the sky is full of stars. After the early morning, Xu Qigang's tall figure walked out of the compound unhurriedly, passing by the guard post pavilion at the door, and the soldiers who saw him standing guard immediately gave a military salute silently.

Recently, although everything is the same as usual, it is indeed tight. Including the guards of the compound, there are already scouts from the Wolf Warriors regiment, and those who just stood guard are from the first battalion of the Wolf Warriors.

Each of them has rich experience, and the head of their own group must go out to perform a secret mission.

Sure enough, a secret team was lurking not far from the compound. About a hundred people, all wearing uniform dark green military uniforms, helmets and night lights on their heads.

Everyone is holding a gun in his hand, lurking in the dark on guard. Even if the sky is full of stars, it can still be like a beast lurking in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to choose someone to eat.

The leader of this team is Shangguan Tao and Chen Yingjie, and the cooperation between the two is also considered tacit, especially Chen Yingjie has rich experience in performing such tasks.

As for Shangguan Tao, his control of the overall situation is meticulous.

The action tonight was a clue that Shangguan Tao had spent more than two months of energy and finally got it. Last time, because of Meng Ping's reasons, Li Xia and others were released, and the subsequent hunts have been ineffective.

After that, Xu Qigang formulated a new action plan. Order everyone to settle down, giving the enemy the illusion of strictness on the surface and slack on the inside.

After the enemy relaxed his guard, he was wiped out in one fell swoop.

So during this time, Chen Yingjie and Guan Tao have been busy with this matter. After two months of searching, they finally found a place where the enemy was hiding. And according to their clues, the number of enemies is still increasing.

This time, just in case, Xu Qigang did it himself.

"The commander is here!" Chen Yingjie put the unlit cigarette in his pocket. They are not allowed to smoke at night, and they are really addicted to cigarettes. They can only smell cigarettes.

"Head, you have brought your equipment." Shangguan Tao quickly handed Xu Qigang's gun, bullets and binoculars to him.

"Yeah!" Xu Qigang quickly prepared, "action."


With an order, the action team silently shuttled through the city like a torrent of ink. After arriving at the location marked on the map of Da Chen Yingjie, the action team secretly instructed to hide and guard.

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