May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1254: Encirclement plan

Xu Qigang squinted his eyes, carefully observing the surrounding environment and layout, and inadvertently saw the courtyard in the distance.

"This is Shen Yu's courtyard house?"

Chen Yingjie was shocked and shook his head, "I don't know."

When Shen Yu was arrested last time, Xu Qigang and Chen Yingjie were not there. They were already in the Soviet Union. It was the team led by Shangguantao. Hearing Xu Qigang's sudden mention at this time, Shangguantao raised his head and glanced in the direction Xu Qi had just looked at.

Suddenly, his whole body seemed to be soaked in ice water.

"Indeed, how did you find out, Commander?" Li Xia's lurking place was around the Shenyu Courtyard. If it didn't matter in the middle, he took off his head and kicked it.

This is a huge mistake of his own.

Shangguan Tao blamed himself, but fortunately the head of the delegation found out in time, otherwise the consequences of missing this detail would be disastrous.

"I thought of it when I saw the courtyard." Xu Qigang's expression became more solemn, and he pointed to an inconspicuous house on the right side of the courtyard and said: "That's it, Chen Yingjie, you remember that you were hiding there and leaving me a signal."

"That's right." Chen Yingjie finally remembered, "The situation was critical at the time, and I didn't pay much attention. No wonder I always felt familiar, but didn't remember."

"Let's do it! Just where I am, I'm talking about it first." Xu Qigang felt a kind of anxiety in his heart, but now he has to send the arrow as it is. What can only complete the task first, go back and talk about it.

This is the place where Ruan Ping always took people to act. In order to be afraid of being caught in the middle, he always acted separately from Li Xia. This woman has a lot of ghost ideas and is extremely clever. Even if Ruan looks down on a woman, he is convinced of her.

The house looks very small from the outside, but because there is a large yard inside and densely covered with low-rise bungalows, the actual area is not small at all.

The reason why he chose this place was also Li Xia's idea. She believed that there was something she wanted in Shenyu's courtyard house, but now she was staring at it. She didn't dare to move rashly, so she could only find a place not far away to live and slowly get through the tunnel.

Even if it is digging, a hole must be dug.

At this time, more than fifty people gathered in the yard, all of whom had just entered the country. All of them were full of banditry, and the eyes when they looked at people were sulky.

"Where did Ruan go?" someone asked in Nanjiang dialect.

"Shut up, don't speak Nanjiang dialect, be careful to be found." The person who just spoke was kicked to the ground.

In fact, anyone who can be transferred here speaks Mandarin. Southern Xinjiang was handed over with the mainland, and there would be some trade at the border before the war itself. Most of these mercenaries were born in such places as the border mountains, and they had a lot of contact since childhood. They could speak Mandarin, otherwise they would not be selected by Ruan.

"Get out! Dare to hit Lao Tzu, believe it or not I shot you down?"

"you dare."

"Do you think I dare to dare."

The two of them fought with each other, and they wanted to draw their guns before they even fought twice. As a result, the guns on his body were long gone because he entered the country secretly. Can only die.

The only guns and bullets of this group of people were brought in with all their lives. Originally, Li Xia's plan was to buy from the black market, but she didn't expect that the black market that existed before was also sold out.

"Stop arguing, you can go to heaven without Ruan." Someone stood up and scolded.

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