May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1255: Go kill Meng Ping

"Just now Ruan took a dozen brothers out to perform the task."

"Perform the mission? What mission?" Someone wondered, "The captain didn't schedule any missions tonight."

The man who had just spoken sneered, with a sly light in his eyes, "I'm going to kill someone, just a little white face. If you don't worry, you will kill it."

"Viper, who is it? Isn't he trying to violate the captain's order?"

"Ruan is for the good of everyone." The man called the viper smiled yinly. "It is the younger brother of the young commander. He has seen our captain and he should have recognized him, so Ruan went to kill him." Captain Meng Ping will not be killed, but how can she know the hatred in Ruan's heart?

From the first sight, Ruan planned in his heart **** Meng Ping to relieve his anger.

"Hahaha..." Someone laughed wildly, afraid of shocking the surrounding residents, and hurriedly lowered their voice and said, "That really should be killed. Back then, when Ruan's eldest brother led a surprise attack on the battlefield, he was bloodbathed by the young commander, right?

"This is a deep hatred of blood."

"Tsk tusk tusk...damn, **** it."

At this time, the surrounding courtyard was airtight, and even a fly could not fly out. In the darkness, Shangguan Tao didn't know that Meng Ping had been arrested for several days, and the cold sweat on his forehead was frightened.

Xu Qigang made a shaoan, but not impatient movement, and then waved to Chen Yingjie.

Chen Ying nodded after receiving instructions, and quietly withdrew from the fence.

Although Meng Ping was locked up, there were still many people in his place. Little fat man, where can Du Xiaosong live! Ruan took people there directly, there must be an accident. At this time, only Chen Yingjie went the fastest.

‘Head, shall we not act? "Shangguantao quickly typed a code word.

Xu Qigang shook his head and went back, ‘Listen to my instructions. ’

The encirclement outside the courtyard wall continued, and then the surroundings were quiet and even the sound of insects could not be heard.

The people inside are still bragging. They are sleeping during the day and coming out at night to dig tunnels secretly. When the captain came during the day, he was dissatisfied with their speed and gave a deadly order. The tunnel must be dug through tonight.

"You said why the captain didn't come with us?"

"The captain still has his own business to do."

"What matters is so important that the captain needs to come forward in person?"

The poisonous snake looked around vigilantly, and only quietly breathed a sigh of relief after finding that there was no movement. "Infiltrate the enemy."

"Really?" Someone obviously didn't believe it.

"We can enter the heart of the mainland and move under the eyes of the People's Liberation Army. I already think it is exciting enough. If we can penetrate into the enemy's interior, wouldn't it be exciting to die?"

"No, our captain is not an ordinary woman."

"You tell us who the captain has contacted? Isn't it a gatekeeper?"

The poisonous snake is suffocated every day, and can't drink alcohol, can't find a woman, can't vent when hiding here, it's more uncomfortable than killing him. Now that he finally has a chance to brag, he can also relax in his heart.

"I heard that I met an army commander."



"Don't brag, if the captain can really come into contact with the commander level, I will be under her in the future."

"Go away, you want the captain to sleep with you, and don't look at your virtues."

A group of people bluffed wildly.

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