May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1261: Pry out something

"Master, why didn't you sleep all night?" Xu Qigang frowned slightly looking at Shen Feihu's panda eyes. Are you old enough to think you are a young man?

"Nonsense, can I sleep with so many of you who come out to perform the task?" Not only did Shen Feihu not sleep, but Meng Xingzhi and many people in the military did not sleep.

Tonight’s mission was a complete victory. Two groups of people were sent to the military’s interrogation room in one night, all of whom were notorious mercenaries with heavy debts.

The big guy had long been excited and couldn't sleep, but when everyone was very excited, Shangguan Tao came with Xu Qigang's words.

The mercenary captain came prepared this time, and he was in the next big game. Now Li Xia has not been caught, as long as he is not caught for a day, the potential danger will remain.

This malignant tumor must be pulled out.

"Don't worry, when did our team leader personally lead the team to make mistakes?" Chen Yingjie and Zhao Changqi rushed over after the handover was over.

"How's that over there?" Xu Qigang asked in a deep voice.

"It's okay, don't worry, Du Xiaosong and Little Fatty were inside at the time. Du Xiaosong's reaction was still sensitive, so there were no casualties."

"Yeah!" Xu Qigang nodded, and continued to watch everyone search the courtyard.

This courtyard was originally decorated by Shen Yu, and it is said to be the palace of a prince in the Qing Dynasty. The inside is huge, and the rockery and corridors are very unique. It is summer again, and the lush green plants are more difficult than the last time Shen Feihu and the others came to search.

"What's the matter?" Shen Feihu asked with his hands behind his back: "Do you think this is wrong?"

"Yeah!" Xu Qigang's face became more solemn. He had only suspected that Li Xia had chosen to stay near the Shenyu courtyard for some purpose, but after entering, he had a dangerous intuition.

"There must be a problem here, continue searching." Xu Qigang looked around carefully, his sharp eyes swept from every place, and suddenly he stopped and said: "Chen Yingjie, go find Shen Yu, this is his site. See if you can pry something out of his mouth."

"Yes!" Chen Yingjie left without a word, and within a minute there was a jeep leaving.

"Han Yongchun, go to the police dog squadron and tune me ten military dogs."

"Yes, commander." Han Yongchun stopped the search and left quickly with a military salute.

As the first elite unit, the Wolf Warriors have many priorities. At times like this, Xu Qigang does not need to go through any formalities and request the cooperation of friendly or fraternal forces.

Shen Feihu rubbed his chin with both hands, "I sent someone to search here last time. At that time, the search was very clean, not even a piece of waste paper was let go."

"If there is nothing here, Li Xia will not be able to make a hole."

"You are right, since it makes sense to make people doubtful, you must investigate well. When the police dog arrives, you may be rewarded." The main purpose of their visit last time was to catch Shen Yu, without a police dog at all.



Shen's Old House

At the dinner table in the morning, Senior Chief Shen was sitting in the first place, and his guard company commander who was drinking porridge suddenly walked in with a hurried expression. It was attached to the old chief's ear and whispered for almost three minutes before the old chief waved his hand to let him go out.

Seeing this, other people all put down their chopsticks and couldn't help but look at the old chief.

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