Shen Ming was so courageous that others did not dare to ask, but he was curious in his heart and asked directly. "Grandpa, did something happen?"

"Yeah!" The old man said nonchalantly, "Last night the military department caught a lot of mercenaries from southern Xinjiang, many of whom participated in the final battle to kill Meng Fan."

The dining room fell silent abruptly, and the air pressure was so low that people could not breathe. Because of the last battle, they all knew that the reason why Meng Fan died was because of Shen Yu!

Shen Yu, as the heir of the Shen family's key training, has now become a shame to the family.

No one spoke, no one ate, but the head of Shen naturally continued to finish the porridge in the bowl. After putting down the empty bowl, he looked at his pale-faced eldest son.

"When are you going to delay it?" There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice.

Others were so scared that they didn't dare to make any movements, not even making eye contact.

"I'll go after dinner." Father Shen has been holding back from meeting Shen Yu, because when he went to see Shen Yu, it was when his son died.

As a father, he couldn't bear it.

"Huh! Are you still in the mood to eat?" The old chief slapped the table fiercely. "The sharp sword is hanging above his head, and you still have the mood to eat."

Father Shen stood up embarrassedly, "I will go now."

"Go!" Old Chief Shen's attitude eased a little.


Father Shen took the guards straight to the prison where Shen Yu was being held. Since Shen Yu was arrested, he has never seen Shen Yu once for the sake of clearing the family relationship. He was transferred to the prison midway and he did not hold back Come.

Unexpectedly, he finally came, and he did personally send his son to Huangquan Road.

"The chief, please come inside." The warden took father Shen into it.

Across the iron railings, he saw Shen Yu standing opposite with heavy handcuffs and handcuffs, shaved his head, his eye sockets were sunken and his whole body shriveled like an old man.

Father Shen's eyes couldn't help but moist.

"You go out first, and I will say a few words to the prisoner alone."

"Yes!" The warden backed out.

Father Shen stood outside, looking at Shen Yu in silence. The father and son looked at each other for a long while without speaking. Shen Yu inside shook his head, he was in a trance, he was not the same Shen Yu he was.

The torture of the prison, and Meng Ping's crazy and cruel methods of revenge, made him worse off than death, and even appeared in a trance and mental confusion.

" are here." Shen Yu's voice was as dry as sand colliding with a sharp object.

Unpleasant and harsh.

Father Shen held on to the railing. Even if he knew that his son's sin was unforgivable, he still felt uncomfortable and unable to control himself when he saw his son being tortured like this.

"I'll send you the last ride." Father Shen said sadly.

"That's good! I have been waiting for you."

After hearing what Shen Yu said, Father Shen sighed, "This is all retribution! It's retribution."

Shen Yu didn't speak, and pulled out an expression with difficulty, his entire face was already numb.

"Do you regret it? Do you regret the mistakes you made?" Father Shen asked.

There was stagnation in the air for a few minutes, and Father Shen stared at him firmly. If the son says he regrets and confessed, then he will not force him to die, and he will save his son even if he fights this old life.

Even if he can't be saved, he will let him live a little bit better and protect him from being tortured by the Meng family.

Father Shen waited for a long time, until he thought that his son would not answer him, Shen Yu slowly said, "I have never regretted letting Meng Fan die."

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