May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1284: Don't shoot

Shengning listened to Su Jiang's words and nodded firmly at him. Then he shook his head again, which meant that she didn't blame him, she supported him.

"It's worthy of being the seed of our Su family, the old man didn't hurt you in vain."

Sheng Ning finally smiled, tears wet her eyelashes, she smiled beautifully. In the last afterglow of the setting sun, it was dyed into a beautiful cloud.

"Su Jiang, you war lunatic, don't you even want the life of a hostage?" Shen Yu's hand with a gun kept dripping sweat, his face looked like a beast, and the gun hit Sheng Ning's head.

"Since you are going to start, then we will die together." He said, he pressed the trigger.

At the same time, Su Jiang also shouted, "Shoot."



Su Hai and Xu Qigang stopped at the same time, and the air solidified at this moment. Su Hai pulled out a cold dagger from his body and pressed it on Su Jiang's neck, "Let them go, my niece's life is not important, then the life of the second army commander of the Southern Military Region is enough?"

"Su Hai, are you crazy?" Su Jiang asked incredulously.

"I didn't. You are the crazy person." Su Hai said angrily, turning his head to look at Shen Yu, "Let's drive! I'll let you go, but it's better to take care of my niece. If you lose a hair, I Will break your corpses into pieces."

"I like the deadly method of smashing the corpse the most, hahaha..."

In Shen Yu's wild laughter, the small truck whizzed away.

"The King of Living Hades wants your wife's life, so come to Nanjiang to find me." Li Xia shouted loudly before leaving: "Finally, don't send someone to chase after me, otherwise I will make you regret it."

The infamous Southern Xinjiang mercenary really did anything. She didn't need to put too many ruthless words to achieve her goal. This is also thanks to the extremely brutal methods of Scarface.

"Can you let me go?" Su Jiang kicked Su Hai, "Come on, grab him for me. The highest officer was held hostage on the battlefield, and I shot you down."

The moment Su Hai landed, he was supported by Xu Qigang, and then pulled up.

After Su Jiang finished speaking, he drew his gun and pointed it at Su Hai.

"No military commander."

"The commander asks you to spare Mayor Su once."

"Master Su is not in the military system now, you have no right to deal with him."

Everyone jumped out to intercede for Su Hai, who is not very popular. The main reason is that he has a bad stomach, and everyone was afraid of him when he was young. If you are clever, you should stay away from him.

But at this moment, everyone spontaneously interceded with him.

Su Jiang glared at Su Hai, not knowing whether it was angry or something.

"Are you okay?" I don't know why, but Suhai's move offended obviously violated the military taboo, but Xu Qigang was grateful.

"It's okay." Su Hai jerked the corner of his mouth rebelliously.

"Get him up for me." In fact, Su Jiang was also waiting for someone to plead with Su Hai.


Just don’t shoot it! Locked up for a few days is a small matter.

Xu Qigang turned around and quickly asked, "Where is the Renault?" Xiao Ning was entrusted to him for protection.

"Head, Renault has been shot six times and has been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment." When Shen Yu broke in, it was Renault alone. He was almost smashed into a sieve, and I don't know if he can save him.

"Tell him, I don't blame him."

"...Yes!" The soldiers of the Warwolf Regiment began to cry like children.

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