"Chen Yingjie, take the equipment and follow me." Xu Qigang ordered while sorting out the guns and ammunition on his body.

"Yes! Ready, you can set off at any time." Chen Yingjie had been prepared for a long time. At this moment, there seemed to be angry magma erupting in his heart, wishing to tear Shen Yu alive.

The two jumped into the jeep and were about to catch up. Hai Yunbing stopped loudly, "Xu Qigang, you can't go."

"I must go." Xu Qigang stepped on the accelerator, but Hai Yunbing blocked the way and refused to let him go.

"Chief of General Staff, please get out of the way."

"Xu Qigang, this is not the time for one person to be heroic. Even if you want to go, you can't go alone. We will never give up Shengning. It is everyone's responsibility to destroy the enemy."

Hai Yunbing knew in his heart that Xu Qigang and Chen Yingjie were going to go alone. They were preparing to commit the danger alone. If it is true to chase southern Xinjiang, where the situation is complicated and other people's territory, it is very likely to die.

As the chief of staff, he has the responsibility to stop him.

"Bring me." Qin Yue got the news relatively late, and when he learned that Shen Yu had escaped from prison at school, the news of Sheng Ning's arrest had already been known to almost the entire Northern Military Region.

He rushed over in a hurry, but he still didn't have time.

"Brother, thanks!"

Like a smart monkey, Qin Yue jumped into the back seat of the jeep with a quick rub, "Since we are brothers, why do we say this?"

After finishing speaking, he looked back at An An, who was standing on the side of the road and his face was pale, and whispered, "Wait for me!"

The little girl with tears rolling in her eyes bit her lip and nodded.

Qin Yue immediately smiled like a child who stole candy, showing eight standard white teeth.

"Qin Yue, you can't go." Qin Xue stood up with a calm face, "Don't forget your responsibilities. Even if you went to the Soviet Union before, it will definitely not work this time."

In fact, when Qin Yue secretly went to the Soviet Union, his father and grandpa were already furious. Because Xu Qigang was saved, she gritted her teeth and resisted all the responsibilities.

And this time, she would never agree.

The situation in southern Xinjiang is countless times more dangerous than that in the Soviet Union. The reputation of Living Hades and the little gangsters is unknown in southern Xinjiang, ranking among the top three mercenaries and murderers offering rewards.

If they do go, they will die.

"I changed my surname long ago." Qin Yue curled his lips in disdain, "Get out of the way, don't get in the way."

"You..." Qin Xue was really going to be vomiting blood from this baby brother, "Sister, please, can you not go this time? As long as you don't go, I will promise you any request."

"Impossible." Qin Yue replied firmly, "It is impossible for me not to go in public or in private, or in reason." If you don't go, it is to abandon your comrades.

Meng Fan had already died in Southern Xinjiang, and he couldn't help watching the Living Hades also die in Southern Xinjiang.

"You..." Qin Xue knew that the temper of her own younger brother, once things got to this point, no one could change his decision.

"Come here, take Qin Yue down for me." Qin Xue was fierce, and today I can't let my brother be stupid anyway.


"Who dare you."

"I see who of you dare?"

Xu Qigang and Qin Yue said in unison, and the people who came forward took a step back in fright, "Qin Xue, as the captain of the colonel, I order you to leave."

"Xu Qigang?" Qin Xue never thought that she would love the man in her bones. He would face her with such a cold voice and such bloodthirsty eyes.

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