May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1303: Where's the gun

Now that I think about how courageous, I guess the chief of staff knows that they have the intention to shoot them both.

"No, Li Xia is most likely to return to southern Xinjiang from here." An An's small face flushed red, but her heart became more and more bottomless. She grew up living in the north and never even went down the river. At the moment she was standing on the boat in the harbor and she was dizzy.

"Let me explain first! If we can't find Shengning here, we should go back. It is too dangerous for us to run out like this." Chen Huaying was also clinging to her heart. It is one thing for her to be bold, but now this In this situation, she must not cause trouble to her brother and Head Xu.

Don't let Sheng'an in if Shengning is not rescued by that time, it will be fun.

"Yeah!" An An nodded, "We'll go back at night." She guessed that her disappearance must have been exposed, and Hai Yunbing might already be on her way.

"You said so many boats, which one will be Li Xia's?" An An asked while thinking.

"I don't know! Chen Huaying shook his head honestly, "If we knew, we wouldn't be squatting on this broken ship. "

Their abilities are limited, even if they suspect that there is Li Xia's boat here, they can't search one by one. It is also unrealistic to recruit the police for help.

An An squinted and looked around, her gaze swept from the port entrance. Suddenly, when she stepped on the pontoon bridge, there was a pillar on both sides of the bridge. She couldn't find Li Xia, but she could give her sister what she wanted.

An An got up from the boat with excitement. Because of his excessive movements, the hull swayed constantly, almost swaying Chen Huaying.

The two hugged each other tightly, afraid to move. After waiting for several minutes to shake before stopping, and then to the side with difficulty, waiting for the foot to step on the ground is finally relieved.

At this time, the sky was dark, and fishing fires lit up on the pier. An'anla drove Chen Huaying to the pillar, took out a dagger from his body and drew a cross on the table lightly, and then slashed across the pillar from top to bottom, making the entire pillar look like someone had been hacked with a knife. The same.

In a rural home, there is such a pillar in their yard. Every time Dad sharpened his knife, he liked to interview the knife. Over time, countless knife marks were formed.

"What are you doing?"

"Leave a mark for my sister." An An said as she took out a gun from her body, and then secretly hid it in the wooden board under the pillar.

"You... where did you get the gun?"

"Su Huaian's." Before leaving, she went to Su Huaian's dormitory for a round.

"You're great." Chen Huaying gave a thumbs up, "remember to call me together next time you steal a gun."

An An did a good job together and looked at her sympathetically, "I stole it in your name."

Chen Huaying staggered and almost fell. Now it is important to save Shengning. She can't care about her.


"Look at this." Xu Qigang handed a paper currency to Chen Yingjie and introduced: "The seal on this money belongs to Xu Mo, the editor-in-chief of Next Magazine. I heard that Xu Mo was taken away as Meng Ping. Shut together."

"This money was used by Li Xia and the others along the way, and went from the east in this direction."

"It seems that Li Xia intends to leave by sea. She really has a good abacus." Qin Yue took the binoculars in hand and sneered at the road ahead, "She is not afraid of accidents at sea."

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