May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1304: True and false route

"She is too confident. This is simply looking for death." Chen Yingjie said grimly: "Conscientiously smarter than Scarface, in fact it is not as good as half of Scarface."

"Lack of Shen Yu's cruelty and madness, Li Xia is rather restrained." Only those who want to die will have no shortcomings, making them unable to start.

"Don't underestimate the enemy." Xu Qigang was calculating the rescue method when he suddenly found the pickup truck's starting path.

Others also found out.

"What does Li Xia mean?"

"She is going south, is it just a cover to travel by sea?"

"No." Xu Qigang shook his head, "It's still the same as using Shen Yu's strategy before. One of them is a guise, but I don't know that it is a guise."

"Then what shall we do?"

Qin Yue suggested: "We can't follow this way, just do it if it doesn't work." Living Hades worried about Shengning's safety in his heart, and he would definitely be at a loss. Li Xia's words before leaving. But he will not, now is the best opportunity to get started.

"Brother, believe me, now is the best chance to do it." Qin Yue said solemnly: "You have to make a decision quickly, Shengning still has children in his stomach! The longer the time, the more dangerous it becomes."

Xu Qigang frowned in pain. When it came to Xiao Ning's safety, he could not think as usual.

"Head, I also support Qin Yue's idea."

"You and I led the teams separately, one facing south, and the other surrounding the Tianjin Port."

Xu Qigang thought for about a minute, gritted his teeth and said: "Okay! Inform the war wolf group to act."

When night fell, following Xu Qigang's orders, the east and south roads were immediately alive. From the Tianjin Port to the South Road, they were all guarded. Yoda drove less than thirty miles away. He was shot headshot while sitting in the cab of the small truck while driving at high speed. At the same time, the co-driver's cabin died.

Four tires of a high-speed pickup truck were blown out at the same time, and the car stopped forcibly.

The soldiers of the Wolf Warriors immediately surrounded the pickup truck layer by layer, pointed at countless guns, and if there was a slight change, they would be headshot instantly.

Qin Yue stepped forward to open the door, and the martial artist was engrossed.

The car door was opened, Xu Mo couldn't open his eyes illuminated by the dazzling flashlight.

"Ahhhhh..." Xu Mo screamed in horror.

"Okay, don't be noisy." Qin Yue was disappointed to see that there was only one Xu Mo in the carriage. Knowing that Shengning must have been taken away by Li Xia, he still asked without giving up, "Why are you alone? What about the Shengning people?"

"I was taken away by... Li Xia." Xu Mo put his hand on his eyebrows in front of the dazzling light, and then he could see that there were people in military uniforms in front of him, crying excitedly.

"Uuuuu...Uncle PLA, you finally came to rescue me, uuuuuu..."

Qin Yue almost beat someone with anger, "You are the uncle! Is Lao Tzu that old?"

Xu Mo looked around and didn't see Xu Qigang, and yelled anxiously: "Where is Regiment Chief Xu? Why is Regiment Chief Xu not here? Ask him to hurry and save his wife. Sheng Ning is uncomfortable all the way, without food or drink, in his stomach. 'S child cannot be kept."

The soldiers of the war wolf group looked very ugly upon hearing this.

"Our team leader went to Tianjin Port Terminal."

"That's good, that's good." Xu Mo fell to the ground with a black eye. Fortunately, Qin Yue quickly helped him up.

"Send the hostages to the hospital."


"The others will follow me and rush to Tianjin Port at once."

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