May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1317: Soldier's Oath

In the cold water, Xu Qigang's face was ashes. If Xiao Ning cannot be rescued, what is the point of him going back? What is the meaning of his life?

He swam to the bottom of the sea again and again in the depths, until there was no air in his lungs swimming up. He kept searching for the place where Shengning fell into the water, searching tirelessly, not letting go of any place.

He calculated the direction of ocean currents, underwater currents and whirlpools, desperately looking for them. Even if the whole body has lost consciousness, even if the skin has been blistered, it can't see the original appearance.

Even several times, he could not swim up in the water.

Qin Yue couldn't stand it anymore, just as Su Hai's order came and directly knocked him out with the **** of the rifle.

Three days later

The Tianjin Port and even the entire coastline have been estranged. The voyage cargo ships, the fishermen who go fishing, and the transportation fleet all drove away one after another.

There are boats going, so naturally there are boats coming. The Tianjin Port Terminal is still prosperous, and even the PLA soldiers at a five-meter guard post cannot stop the pace of time.

The People's Liberation Army has invested a huge amount of manpower but still cannot find anyone. To be ugly, not even a corpse was found.

"Withdraw the troops!" Su Jiang who came the next day ordered calmly.

"It's impossible for Xu Qigang to be willing to withdraw." Shen Feihu said painfully.

Seeing the most important capable cadre looking for three days and three nights without sleep, looking for someone who is already dead, he is not sad, it is fake.

But now Xu Qigang thinks that he is pretending to be drunk, and no matter how you persuade him, he cannot be sober.

Three days ago, Qin Yue knocked Xu Qigang unconscious, but when he woke up, he gave him a beating, and no one dared to stop him. Even Chen Yingjie refused to take a break and didn't want to close his eyes.

Shen Feihu, a carefree northern man, was deeply worried. One Xu Qigang and one Chen Yingjie, I'm afraid they will be abandoned in the future.

Especially Chen Yingjie, this kid heard that he had already vowed, and if Shengning couldn't find it, he would apologize with death. The accident came so suddenly, no wonder he.

No one will blame him, but he is such a responsible person, why can't he forgive himself.

Shen Feihu rubbed his eyebrows irritably.

Su Jiang's orders were still very useful, and all of them withdrew in less than half a day. Only Xu Qigang, Chen Yingjie and Qin Yue are still looking for them.

Qin Yue held a swollen face against his nose and sighed in his heart. No matter what Qin Xue said, he would not leave.

The search continued, but despair gradually spread.

A week later, a most unexpected person came.

Fan Hengyan, the second chief.

In the temporary command room on the shore, Fan Hengyan had a stern expression, "Let Xu Qigang come to see me and tell him that this is a military order. I want to see if he has forgotten the bloodliness and vocation of a soldier."

Chief No. 2 was furious, and Xu Qigang blinked when the order was delivered. After he hadn't spoken for more than a week, he suddenly burst into tears.

Over the past week, he has been tortured, neither man nor ghost. A beard appeared on his face, his hair was messed up, and his military uniform had long been replaced with a military green vest.

The skin was exposed to the sun, soaked in sea water, and peeled off.

The whole person can't see what it was like before.

"Leader Xu, the chief said that if you remember the vow you made under the army when you first joined the army, you should go to see him immediately."

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