May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1318: Want to keep looking

Xu Qigang moved half a beat slower than usual. The resolute, introverted, calm man was finally crying like a child at this moment.

"Head Xu."

"I remember!" He said hoarsely, "I will always be a PLA soldier."

"Then please obey the military order!"

"...Yes!" He turned in despair, looked at the blue sea in front of him, and slowly saluted him. "Chen Yingjie, follow me."

"I'm not going to head." Chen Yingjie's appearance is not much better. Father Chen and Mother Chen had already returned from the station, if it hadn't been for the old man Chen had been stopping him from coming early.

"Head, I want to keep looking."

"Follow me. You are not allowed to leave me for half a step in the future." He commanded strongly.

Chen Yingjie pursed his lips, standing still unwilling to move.

Everyone can understand what Xu Qigang meant. Chen Yingjie was guilty of failing to complete the task, so she wanted to apologize for death because of guilt. Only by putting him in front of Xu Qigang can he be stopped.

Elder Chen stopped his son and daughter-in-law from allowing them to bring Chen Yingjie back to the compound because he had already understood it.

It's okay not to be in the compound. Once he goes back, this stupid boy will definitely commit suicide by swallowing his gun.

In the temporary command room, Fan Hengyan looked at the future star, heartbroken.

"Xu Qigang."

"Head, here!" Xu Qigang was thin and could hardly stand.

"I order you to recuperate for a month, then go to the border and destroy the mercenaries located there." This is the art of speaking as a leader. Fan Hengyan cannot order his soldiers to go to other people's countries for revenge.

He allowed Xu Qigang to go to the border, which was equivalent to letting him take revenge.

"Yes!" Xu Qigang saluted a military salute, "Thank you, Chief!"

"Are you still my soldier?" Fan Hengyan asked kindly.

"I will always be your soldier, and will always be a People's Liberation Army." This is the oath he swore. He also vowed to take care of Xiao Ning for the rest of his life. Petting her and protecting her, but he didn't do it.

Thinking of this, Xu Qigang felt heartbroken as if he had been slashed.

On the playground of the National Defense University, An An, Chen Huaying and Feng Xiaoli were sitting side by side on a stone pier. There is a basketball court in front of them. The students are playing basketball in full swing. From time to time, people will call her enthusiastically when they pass by Chen Huaying.

"Shao Chen, show your hands."

"Shao Chen, I haven't watched you play for a long time, and my life is boring."

"You changed your career to become a monk?"

Whenever she talked to Chen Huaying, she would hit someone with a small stone, and the person who was smashed was not angry, and continued to play basketball happily.

The laughter on the basketball court was still the same, but it seemed to be far away from the three.

Half a month ago, they were the happiest and most carefree people in this school.

Half a month later, but every day is sad.

"What's the matter with you? Are you silly?" Feng Xiaoli couldn't help it anymore. "Renault was unconscious and I felt uncomfortable. Why are you frowning?"

In the past, Feng Xiaoli's greatest pleasure was to look at Renault secretly and the stars in his eyes. She couldn't look away even if she was beautiful. Now Renault has been shot six times and the operation is extremely dangerous.

He is still in the intensive care unit and he is still in a coma. Whether he can wake up is a big question.

Even the doctor said he had no hope.

"You don't understand." Chen Huaying said listlessly. She glanced at An An secretly, her heart was overwhelming, and she was worried.

Recently, President Feng and the professor told her to be optimistic about An An and were not allowed to leave the school. The two of them were trapped in the school. Even Su Huaian had not come to class for a long time.

The more so, the more disturbed Chen Huaying's heart is!

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