May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1332: Be engaged first and marry later

Wait... this summer, want me to cover my ass?

No matter, no matter, now that my parents have arrested me, how can she explain it? What would she say about such a shameful thing?

"Not getting up yet?"

"Oh!" Chen Huaying got up like a tiger with his teeth pulled out, not right! The clothes on her were changed.

"Dad." She lifted the thin quilt miserably, then put it down pitifully, "Parents, can you go out first?"

"Why? Do you still want to be the last time?" Father Chen stared, this daughter was really bold. It's a pity, this great young man from Huai'an. That was a good boy who clapped and praised the entire compound and even the entire military area.

Good family background, good character, good education, good temper, good looks...referred to as the Five Good Youth. Most people don't even dare to think that their daughter can marry Su Huaian.

Such a good little cabbage, how can you let your own pig go?

Chen Huaying covered her face and screamed, "Ahhhhh...get me out."

Mother Chen couldn't stand it anymore, so she forced her husband out and closed the door intimately.

"Okay, you calm down, this time our family's advantages have become bigger. I didn't dare to dream of making Su Huai'an my son-in-law." Mother Chen suddenly felt lifted and refreshed.

"Hahaha..." She couldn't help laughing. "Look at me going back. When I say Huai'an is my son-in-law, those people must be jealous."

"Yeah!" Father Chen sighed earnestly, "This cheap account is so big, I am a little bit guilty of it. Or else let's just forget it?"

"Although I also think that Huai'an is a waste of matching our Yingzi, but right! My daughter is also my daughter in Xiong's, can't I turn my elbow out?"

"Yeah! What you said makes sense. Then let Huai'an suffer a bit, and we will treat Huai'an better in the future."

"Okay! It's a deal."

Fortunately, Chen Huaying didn't hear what her parents said. If she knew it, she would be **** off.

In the room, Su Huaian also woke up. No matter how drunk they were, they were yelled at by the Chen family and their daughter.

He rubbed his eyes, looked at Chen Huaying, then at himself, and then looked at the room environment. He blinked his dim sleepy eyes and suddenly became awake.

"Just... was Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen?"

"Yeah!" Chen Huaying nodded with a sad expression, and took a peek at the cool vest on her body. She has a slender frame, and she feels air leaks everywhere in Suhuaian's vest. His slender arms and round shoulders were all exposed.

The two of them slept like this for one night. When did the vest change?

What happened last night?

She has no idea!

Obviously last night, she turned off the light and went to bed. Who knew that when she woke up, she became like this.

"I'm sorry!" She must have thought that Su Huaian was too good-looking, so she couldn't control the little devil in her heart, and then treated him like this and that.

"It's okay, wait..." Su Huai'an got up to change clothes, halfway through taking off, feeling that this sounded uncomfortable, "What do you mean by this?"

Chen Huaying's eyes were glued to his well-defined back, and he said nonchalantly: "It's not interesting."

"Yeah!" Although I felt something was wrong, Su Huaian didn't care too much.

Yingzi is the girl he likes. Now that they both sleep in the same bed, they must be engaged first. After Yingzi graduated, she married directly.

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