Turning his back to the bed, he methodically changed into clean clothes, and when he turned around, he found that a certain girl was staring at him for an instant. Suddenly, Jun's face flushed, "Ahem...you don't change your clothes and go out? Or the uncle and aunt will be even more angry."

"Oh! Then you turn your back."

Su Huaian passed away obediently.

"All right!"

In less than a minute, Chen Huaying's voice sounded, and he turned his head suspiciously, and saw that she had changed her clothes back.

"..." Su Huaian helplessly rubbed the painful temple of the hangover, "Let's go!"

Father Chen and Mother Chen were waiting in the living room and saw Su Huaian coming out with Chen Huaying.

The man's clothes are neat and tidy, even if he just wakes up, his eyes are clear and shining. On the other hand, my daughter is sloppy, and her clothes are crooked.

Spicy eyes.

"Uncle and aunt..." Su Huaian wanted to bow and apologize, expressing his attitude. In the end, Dad Chen helped him up in the middle of speaking.

"The good boy made you wronged, it's ours, it's because my family education is not strict."

"Yes! Things have happened, so I can only wrong you to marry our Yingzi."

Su Huaian was stunned, didn't he wake up?

"Parents, did you pick me up?" Chen Huaying jumped angrily.

"Silly boy, don't say so much if you take advantage of it, just be honest." Mother Chen grabbed Chen Huaying, "Look at your dirty clothes, let's go home and change clothes."

After finishing speaking, bring home Chen Huaying, who is unwilling to live and die.

Now is a good time for negotiation. Whether she can be proud of her future depends on her husband. Can't let this bear kid do damage on the side.


At this time, Xu Qigang was already on the train heading south. When Su Jiang came, he was flying a plane, and going back was a special train from the military. At the beginning of the Southern Xinjiang War, in order to quickly transport weapons and troops, there was a fastest special train from the north to the south.

Usually only military commanders have the authority to use it.

A lot of people came to pick up Su Jiang, and almost the entire think tank of the Second Army came. These people once fought side by side with Xu Qigang Yingjie on the battlefield of southern Xinjiang and forged a profound revolutionary friendship.

"This group of mercenaries in southern Xinjiang have become more and more rampant in recent years. They relied on our inability to cross the border, arrogant provocations, and wanton troubles and revenge."

"It's more than that. It's all about burning, killing and looting on the border all day long."

"I wanted to kill these people a long time ago."

"The southern Xinjiang government is too useless. A bunch of mercenaries can't deal with it."

When the think tank talked about southern Xinjiang, they were filled with outrage. If it weren't for fear of provoking international troubles, they would have killed those **** long ago.

Su Jiang impatiently patted the table, "Okay, don't brag about it one by one. You are good, how can you let the mercenaries go to Lao Tzu's house?"

Everyone became dumb, bowing their heads guiltily.

So many mercenaries can enter the country. As soldiers guarding the southern border, they cannot escape the responsibility.

"Weapons, ammunition, luggage, equipment. And logistical support. Get these things as soon as possible, and prepare three for me."

Before coming to pick up the army commander, many people knew the purpose of Xu Qigang and Chen Yingjie going south, but what does it mean to be three people?

Is it?


"Commander, do you want it?"


"No! Absolutely not."

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