May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1334: Execute the command

Everyone was shocked, "Stop kidding, if you go, let us people at home, isn't this a big joke?"

"Commander, you are not alone. If you really want to go, then take the entire Second Army with you."

The last plane crash scared the entire Second Army. In any case, the commander of the army is absolutely not allowed to commit danger this time.

"Fuck off." Su Jiang slapped the table angrily. The stainless steel tabletop was sunken by him. "Is Lao Tzu the army commander or are you the army commander?"

"you are."

"This is an order, execute the order!"


Some people don't give up, and instead look at Xu Qigang, who has been silent forever, with a look in their eyes for help.

It seems that the King of Living Hades hasn’t said a word since getting on the train, right? Such a silent existence is really terrifying.

Xu Qigang is as cold as a piece of ice that will not melt for ten thousand years, even if he comes into contact with the eyes of others calling for help, he will directly ignore it. When everyone found that it was useless to ask him for help, they had to ask someone with a higher position than the commander.

Since the commander issued a military order, only another military order can prevent him from committing a danger. However, I don't know if I will die miserably if I hit my top official's small report.

The speed of the special train is very fast, it almost traverses the two military regions of the north and south in a day and night.

By the third day, there were already lush mountains around the train station. This is the place closest to the border of southern Xinjiang, and only the military special train can get here.

After getting off the train and walking through a mountainous area at an altitude of 1200 meters, you can cross the border. At the time of the war, this was not the main battlefield, but the terrain was the most complicated and chaotic.

Moreover, Meng Fan's heroic soul stayed in this mountainous area forever.

The train stopped, Xu Qigang and Chen Yingjie quickly changed equipment, and Su Jiang followed.

"Commander, there is your call."

"Who is it?" It was about to leave, and Su Jiang was not in the mood to answer the phone, if it didn't matter, the deputy commander would answer it.

"The chief."

"Go right away." Su Jiang put down his gun and grenade and left quickly. By the time of the call, just before he picked up the phone, before he had time to salute, the head's anger came from inside.

"Su Jiang, you bastard, are you making trouble for Lao Tzu again?"

"Chief, you calm down, you have a lot of age, don't get angry at every turn."

"Can I not get angry? Who do you think you are? Do you think you are young? Or a new recruit?"

"What's up, Chief?"

"If you dare to cross the border one step, believe it or not I shot you?"

"Who is it? Dare to hit my little report?" Su Jiang was very angry. These little rascals are really tired and crooked.

The staff members trembled in shock, "The commander is not me."

"Commander, it's not me either."

"I don't even know about it!"

"I'll settle the account with you later." Su Jiang glared, "Chief, you misunderstood me. I just want to simply go over and see as a personal person. There is no other meaning."



"Even if it is true, that won't work, now I order you to return to the military headquarters immediately."

"Chief... listen to my explanation."

"This is a military order, let's perform the task!"


Su Jiang reluctantly obeyed the order, but the guilt in his heart really never had a chance to make up.

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