May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1356: What is your grandpa's name

"Then... just not like it?" Hearing this answer, the old gentleman was a little disappointed. A beauty like my sister, if the younger generation is not like her, what a pity!

"Sir, I don't think this person can be a younger generation of grandma."

"Oh?" The old man calmed down in an instant. He understood Xiao Xing's habit of doing things. He would never say anything without a certainty. He released Director Xing's hand and sat down on his red sandalwood chair again.

"Speak up your thoughts and opinions boldly and give me analysis."

"Quality!" Director Xing smiled bitterly, "The Feng family's temperament will definitely not be hers, even if it is the least valued, it will not be that kind of temperament. What's more, the granddaughter of the commander's family It won't be that kind of temperament."

Temperament includes many things, the look in the eyes, the way of speaking, and the demeanor. None of these things are right. Even the illegitimate temperament of Feng's century-old family is better than that of the outside.

"Then the Mithril necklace she brought? Where did you know so many things?"

"I guess... the real owner of the Mithril necklace is someone else. I have made people continue to investigate, and there will be results soon."

"It's really unreasonable." Mr. Feng slapped his palm on the red sandalwood table and made a dull voice, "I have been in business for 70 years, and no one has the guts to fool me."

"Sir, please calm down your anger." Manager Xing bent over modestly.

"Bring her in."

"Yes." Manager Xing stepped back and pushed to the door before turning around to open the study door.

He said to Qin Cuifen, who was standing at the door looking around, "Please come in!"

"Oh! It's coming." Qin Cuifen didn't understand the basic etiquette of high society at all, and strode in directly. She hasn't figured out what the other party is doing, but one thing is certain is that her luck is coming.

Sitting behind the desk, Mr. Feng saw Qin Cuifen walk in at first sight, and deep in his eyes was a deep disgust.

Feng's scholarly family and Su's military family would never train a prostitute. Don't say that this is not a descendant of my sister, if it were really he would draw a gun and kill her now.

He will never allow anyone to tarnish his sister's reputation.

Although Mr. Feng is old, he has also been young. When he was young, he was a big-ticket young master in Shanghai. What kind of woman he could tell at a glance.

Rude behavior, frivolous eyes, enchanting posture. No matter which one does not meet, there are two kinds of women who live in the dust. One is the ladies who fall into the family, and the other is from the small family.

Among them, the latter is not on the table.

Qin Cuifen belongs to the latter, a small family, short-sighted and secretive. Not a merchant family, let alone a military family.

"This is Mr. Feng." Director Xing introduced conscientiously.

Qin Cuifen saw the old man in front of him, and his eyes were rolling. She doesn't know what the other party means, what does it mean to find Shengning? Is it a relative?

The Su family still has overseas relations?

"You... what are you looking for?"

"Your name is Shengning?" Mr. Feng asked.

"Yes, I am Shengning."

"Then what's your grandpa's name?"

"My grandfather?" Qin Cuifen was dumbfounded. She... Doesn't she know the name of Chief Su? I usually call the old chief, how does she know the name?

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