"Why? Don't you remember your grandfather's name?" The old man asked in a constant tone, playing with a snuff bottle on the table slowly.

"It's Su...Su Dashan." Qin Cuifen made one up in a hurry.

Mr. Feng suddenly laughed. He didn't even know his grandfather's name, Su Dashan. If his brother-in-law's name is so ugly, he would be turned away when he first met his sister.

"Okay, I see." Mr. Feng pondered for a moment, and then said: "I am a family friend with your grandfather. You are now tied here by a bad guy. Since I met you, you will naturally help you return home. Before you return to your country, you will live here as your own home."

"I...I don't want to..." Qin Cuifen originally wanted to say that she didn't want to return to China, but she would definitely reveal what she said. I had to bear with it for a while, no matter what, she just kept going.

"Okay, thank you."

"You are welcome, I will call my grandfather from now on." Mr. Feng said kindly.

Qin Cuifen's eyes lit up, she really did not expect that she would have such good luck this time. Hahaha... She really wanted to laugh Sansheng. Sheng Ning, you bitch, she was beaten when you ran away, didn't you expect it?

Let her pick up an advantage and replace you. Hum hum ...... you had to run around, and finally died out, never appeared. If you dare to show up, I will kill you.

"Let Steward Ni arrange it and live in the room next to Zhenzhen."


Director Xing took Qin Cuifen and handed them to Steward Ni. It just so happened that the people who had left behind to continue to monitor Julien and those who interrogated Dr. Bill came back.

"Manager Xing, we have checked it out."

"How? Say."

"The owner of the necklace was a pregnant woman. The necklace was given to Bill in exchange for expensive fetal medicine."

"Julian lied to us, that woman has escaped, and he is now looking for people all over the world."

"Okay, I know, let me continue to stare at Julien, and report any time if I have the situation." Manager Xing sent the person away, returned to Mr. Feng's study, went in and saw that the old man was looking at the Mithril necklace in his hand. .

Feng Jianxi was very efficient at work, and sent the Mithril necklace back on the same day. The newly maintained necklace exudes a texture of light.

"I wanted to test it with the necklace, but it was useless." The old gentleman sighed.

"Sir, the investigator came to report that the real owner of the necklace was a pregnant woman, and her belly is now about five months old. She escaped at the scene where it was sold by traffickers."

"Yeah!" The old man nodded, "This is what the descendants of the military family should do."

"Then..." Manager Xing hesitated for a while before he couldn't help saying: "Since you have seen through the liar's lie, why do you want to keep her?"

A liar like this scammer should be shot.

"Zhen Zhen, this girl is spoiled by me, she is too naive. She needs a sharpening stone that is easy to use."

Manager Xing knew it, "Sir, I understand."

"Go! Find the owner of the necklace. Please be kind to my sister's descendants."

"I will, please rest assured."


There are many bars on the streets of Queens, and you can see alcoholics and dancing girls every day. Recently, when work was about to end late at night, two people, one large and one small, could be seen picking up wine bottles on the ground and in the garbage dump.

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