If you are lucky, you can still see the wallet left by the drunk.

That was a big windfall, Sheng Ning has been able to fill up his stomach every day for more than a month relying on this.

"Auntie, are you tired?" The expression on Lynn's face this month has also been much greater than before.

During the day, Shengning didn't dare to go out, so he would stay at home thinking of ways to cook. There are few ingredients, and sometimes you can’t fill your stomach, even the little guy who is fried steamed buns will eat very happily.

"Not tired, are you tired? I'll ask you to have an ice cream!" Sheng Ning wiped the sweat from her forehead, and her belly was a little scary for almost seven months. What she worries most now is what to do after the child is born, and what to do when the child is still born? She will not deliver and is the first child. Every time she thought of this, she couldn't sleep in fear.

At this time, I miss the Living Hades twice in my heart. I don't know how he is now, do you think he is dead?

She wants to call or write back, but she doesn't know how to call overseas. Even the price of writing letters is scary. She has no money, and her stomach is almost full.

Lin Lisha also arbitrarily snatched the forty dollars left on his body. Sheng Ning has nothing to say about the rent for the second month.

Moreover, Lin Lisha is a woman who is not only drinking and selling, but also suffering from drug addiction. Such people are basically abolished, and Sheng Ning doesn't want to care about people who abuse his son.

I usually see her as long as I can. Fortunately, she doesn't have much time to come back.

"No, let's keep the money to buy you eggs to eat!" Lin En glanced at Sheng Ning's big belly and was very happy. "Auntie is a boy or a girl?"

"I don't know." Sheng Ning shook his head, "But whether it is a boy or a girl, I like it."

"Yeah! Me too." Lynn especially likes children, holding Sheng Ning's hand and supporting her on the roadside steps. "Auntie, your stomach is so big, don't come out in the future, I can pick up the wine bottle alone."

"That won't work, you are too young." Sheng Ning shook Lin En's hand distressedly. The two were wearing tattered clothes and their faces were touched like little tabby cats.

This matter has to protect oneself method, now the world is too chaotic. A little carelessness can cause trouble to the upper body.

"I used to be able to do it alone." Lynn came out to pick up bottles alone when she was three years old. The staff at the bar would take care of her a little bit when she was younger.

The two of them sit in a small alley next to a bar with very good business. Sitting here, you can see the most prosperous night view of Queens, and cross a street outside and inside is the famous Broadway street.

"Everywhere is where the rich go." Lynn pointed forward.

"I know, I have a dance teacher, she has told me a lot before." Sheng Ning said with a smile: "When the aunt gives birth to a baby, go where to apply for a dancer, you can make money to support you and your baby."

"Really?" Little Lin's eyes showed a hint of hope, and then turned into a gray defeat. "It's useless, my mother will lose everything."

When it comes to Lin Lisha, Sheng Ning hates itching teeth. She tried to persuade Lin Lisha before, but was almost pushed to the ground by her.

"Everything will be fine, don't be discouraged."

Sheng Ning said this to Lin En and also to himself.

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