Lin Enfen's jade-shaped face was blushing, and the four-year-old doll lowered her head shyly, embarrassed to speak for a long time.

Sheng Ning complained in her heart and made it so ashamed, what's so handsome! But she was very happy to hear others praise her as a mother and child like Lynn.

"Thank you, I dream of having a sensible, obedient, cute and clever son Lynn."

She said several compliments in a row, and Lynn had never been complimented so much before. Not only did she blush all over her face, but even her neck was red.

"Hahaha... so cute."

Chinatown is very large, and it is the largest gathering of Chinese in the United States. Walking inside, the oriental architectural style and the quaint atmosphere rushed over. After selling the wine bottles at a waste collection station, Lynn's small body took Sheng Ning's hand and walked in like a small adult.

The little guy and others have gone far, then quietly raised his head.


"What are you doing?" Sheng Ning looked at him with big innocent eyes.


"You said."

"Don't say it." The little guy changed the subject shyly, "Auntie, walking inside is where I used to live."

"How old were you before?" Sheng Ning couldn't help but want to tease him when he saw his old-fashioned look.

Lynn tilted his head and carefully calculated for a long time before saying: "Four months ago, I would count. Grandma taught it."

"Really smart." Sheng Ning praised with a smile: "How can Little Lynn be so smart! After going to school, he will definitely be the smartest kid in the school."

"But I have no money to go to school."

"Don't worry! There will be money in the future. Little Lynn will definitely be able to attend the best school in the United States. By the way, what is your best school?"

"The Ivy League schools are very good." It can be seen that Lin En is eager to read, raising his head and looking up at Sheng Ning's eyes, flashing the light of expectation.

"Let's go!"

"it is good!"

The two said as they walked along the way, after passing the most prosperous neighborhood in the front section of Chinatown, they walked inside, which is the daily residential area. Although there is no magnificence from outside, the streets are clean and tidy.

Most of the Chinese here are former laborers. After more than a hundred years of hard work, they have achieved very good development with their hardworking hands, and some have even surpassed the locals.

Grandma Lynn’s house is a small facade facing the street, not big, but there is a small courtyard inside and a loft upstairs.

When the two came outside the small yard, Lynn pointed to the attic upstairs and said: "Grandma has a very powerful tenant, but she doesn't like to care about people. If she is willing to help us, your baby will be born safely. "

"Lin En, thank you." Sheng Ning had already decided not to say thanks to Lin En, and she had already regarded Lin En as her relatives. Talking too much between relatives will seem to be out of touch.

But this time, Lynn begged for her for the first time, which moved her heart.

This little guy is very spine and has never come back since he was kicked out of his grandmother's house. If it wasn't for someone to help, he himself would never come back.

"Auntie, you said that we are relatives, and relatives don't need to say thank you."

"it is good!"

"I'll knock on the door." As he said, Lynn reached out and knocked **** the door. It took a long time for someone to open the door.

"Don't knock, it's so noisy." A lazy voice sounded, and the door was opened. Sheng Ning saw a woman with neat short hair standing inside the door.

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