From her stance, it can be seen that she is also a soldier.

"Auntie, she is the instructor of the West Point Military Academy of the US Army." Lynn whispered.

Sheng Ning was taken aback for a moment, and the look in the other party's eyes was unconsciously wary. Obviously an Oriental, why would you join the Mi Army? Sheng Ning disagrees in her heart, but everyone has their own choices, and she has no right to blame others.

"Little Lynn, what are you talking about me?" The woman stood inside the door with her arms folded, looking up and down Sheng Ning, her dark eyes with a trace of exploration. "Who is this?"

"My aunt."

"Why didn't I know you still have such an aunt?"

"You don't know a lot!"

"Little Lynn, I haven't seen long-term eyes for a few months."

"Gu Yunbo, it's very impolite for you to be like this." Lynn sullen his face unhappily. "When you see a stranger, shouldn't you say hello politely? What do you mean by stopping us at the door and talking about yin and yang? ?"

Gu Yunbo inside the door showed a mocking smile, "I have always been yin and yang, don't you know?"

"I..." Lin En was anxious, "I know now." After speaking, he took Sheng Ning's hand, "Auntie, let's go."

"Okay!" Sheng Ning turned to look at Gu Yunbo, and followed Lin En to leave.

Standing still in the door, Gu Yunbo looked at Sheng Ning’s pregnant belly with a touch of thought in his eyes, until the two of them walked far away and shouted, "You are here to ask me for help?"

"Are you willing?" Sheng Ning looked back at Gu Yunbo's eyes, and the crystal clear eyes made Gu Yunbo a little embarrassed.

"I, Gu Yunbo, haven't done any good things in my life." She took out a cigarette from her pocket and lit a cigarette on her own. The movements are familiar and sophisticated, and at first glance, he is a veteran smoker.

In every word, there is the unrestrained and unrestrained freedom of the army.

In fact, Gu Yun's wavelength is very beautiful, at least from Sheng Ning's point of view, this woman is very beautiful. However, her temperament destroys this sense of beauty, and she may have said something right just now.

She is really not a good person.

In her, she can see the shadow of Meng Ping, which shows that they are the same in some respects. For example, unscrupulous means, such as conspiracy calculations.

"Come in! I just look at the face of the dead old lady Lin, and consider being a good person." After Gu Yunbo said, turned and walked in.

Lin En looked at Sheng Ning embarrassedly, "Auntie, are we going in?"

"Go in, of course you have to go in." Sheng Ning rubbed his hair, "If someone is willing to help us, it doesn't matter if we are made a little difficult!"


When the two entered the gate, they found that the small courtyard was quiet. Many small rooms that were vacated were all locked, apparently there was no tenant.

Sheng Ning could not stand for a long time. As soon as he entered the yard, Lin skillfully dragged her a long chair and sat down. His tiny figure stood beside Sheng Ning like a small adult.

"What about the people? What about the previous tenants?"

"I was driven away. Looking at them one by one is an eyesore." It was already noon, and Gu Yunbo had just woke up. There was a large water tank in the yard. She replied casually while fetching water from the water tank to freshen up.

"Why are you so late."

"Working!" Gu Yunbo dropped the towel in his hand and dragged a long bench to sit in front of the two of them. "You know I'm poor? So I went to work at night."

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