"Then what are you doing?"

"Look at the casino."


Sheng Ning looked at the slender woman in front of her in surprise, and she couldn't imagine what it would be like to watch the casino.

"Okay, don't ask me." Gu Yunbo put his arms around his chest and looked at Sheng Ning. "Let me introduce yourself! Let me help you at least give me your details."

Sheng Ning clutched his stomach and stood up slowly, "Hello, my name is Sheng Ning, I am from the mainland. I belong to the Northern Military Region, a literary and artistic soldier of the 39th Division."

Gu Yunbo stood up abruptly, "What did you say? You are from the mainland? Impossible. The situation is tense now, and it is almost impossible to come over." At first, she only regarded Sheng Ning as a Chinese descent, and never thought that she was from the mainland.

What surprised her most was that she was from the Northern Military District? Is there such a coincidence in the world?

Sheng Ning smiled bitterly, "It's true, because I fell into the sea by accident and was caught by traffickers passing by." Then, she scooped water from the tank with a scoop, and then took the black on half of her face in front of Gu Yunbo. Wash off the ash.

Suddenly, the delicate jade face appeared, and it was amazingly beautiful even with a big belly.

"This look is indeed enough." Gu Yunbo looked up and down questioningly, "You are from the 39th Division, what is the teacher's name?"

"Shen Feihu." She answered without hesitation.

"Sure enough... as expected..." Gu Yunbo could no longer remain calm, muttered to himself for a while, suddenly reached out and grabbed Sheng Ning's shoulder, and said emotionally, "Since you are from the Thirty-Nine Division, do you know Meng Fan? He is very famous as a young commander, you must know."

"Yeah!" Sheng Ning nodded and looked at her in astonishment, "You...how do you know Meng Fan's name?"

"Just leave it alone, answer my question honestly." Gu Yunbo yelled.

"I know Meng Fan." Gu Yunbo's strength was so strong that Sheng Ning's shoulder hurt by her grasp, frowned and said, "You let go first, you can ask me directly if you have anything."

Lin En also helped push Gu Yunbo.

"Sorry, I lost my mind." Gu Yunbo stepped back blankly. From the time she decided to come to the United States, everything in the mainland had nothing to do with her.

The grievances are also taken, and all that should be closed are also closed. Why do you still lose control when you hear Meng Fan's name? He should be the youngest teacher at this time, right?

Being in love with the white swan couple, what is she Gu Yunbo doing?

"Are you okay?" Sheng Ning asked nervously, "In fact, Meng Fan is already..." She was interrupted by Gu Yunbo before she said her words.

"Don't tell me, I don't want to know his name, how he has nothing to do with me." Gu Yunbo took a step back and said with a cold expression: "I'm really crazy, so I will ask him how! What can he do? Does the brilliant young commander use others to worry about?"

Sheng Ning never expected that she would be thousands of miles away and would meet people who knew Meng Fan, and she seemed to have a very unusual relationship with Meng Fan.

"Have you been in the United States for a long time?" she asked cautiously.

"It's been in 1978, six years."

"No wonder," Sheng Ning murmured, "No wonder you didn't know that Meng Fan was dead, he died in 1981."

Her words plunged the small courtyard into a dull and depressing atmosphere. Lynn didn't understand what they were saying, so he could only look at the two with his eyes wide open.

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