May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1388: Cold outside and hot inside

"Don't talk about it." Gu Yunbo walked around in the yard with his arms folded, shaking his head, "You can't live here, it's not safe. Lin Lisha must have caused some trouble outside, that's why she was caught Hacked to death. If the other party finds it, both you and Lynn will be unlucky."


"Then... tell me about Lin Lisha's situation at the time!" People die every day in the U.S. It is normal to hack people on the black streets at night. As for the local people who throw corpses in the sea, it is no surprise.

Gu Yunbo has been here for a long time, and what he has done is that dangerous industries may be able to see through. But she couldn't turn a blind eye. Little Lynn's mother died and was hacked to death on the street and throwing her body into the sea.

Don’t you need to figure out the reason?

"I'm telling you that you don't care about Lin Lisha's affairs, and you can't take care of it. Her fate has long been doomed, and sooner or later she will be hacked to death." She didn't want to tell Shengning about Lin Lisha's dirty things.

This woman can't be innocent, and she might not be able to accept it.

"What should Lynn ask about afterwards? Why don't people die unclearly? Isn't there even a caring person?"

"Who said it was not clear? At least it hit a splash when it was thrown into the sea."

I have to say that Gu Yunbo and Sheng Ning are really two different personalities. Sheng Ning belongs to the type that will not get revenge without reason even if he is reborn.

She sticks to and pursues her own bottom line.

Gu Yunbo belongs to the kind of retribution, and he is born with a cold heart.

She was able to help herself extraordinarily. I really want to thank Meng Fan. If it weren't for Meng Fan, she wouldn't have looked at herself more.

"What are you looking at?" Gu Yunbo was displeased by Sheng Ning's straight eyes. "Do you think I am cruel?"

"No!" Sheng Ning shook his head, "I just found out that we are not of the same type."

"Of course!" Gu Yunbo sat down and looked at her face to face. This time, she didn't give a lot of attention, trying to say in a close tone: "Lin Lisha's social relations are complicated, and you know what she does. They are all illegal people, and these people do everything."

"I know!"

"I went out to smoke last night and happened to be watching someone sneaky. When I followed up, Lin Lisha was dead. The other party was crowded and was a force that I could not afford to offend, so I could only watch her being thrown into the sea. ."

Sheng Ning couldn't help but smile, and gently held Gu Yunbo's hand and said sincerely, "Thank you!"

"What are you doing? What are you thanking me for? God talks about it."

"Thank you for your kindness, your duplicity is cold and hot inside." What a duplicity guy, such an unpleasant character is easy to misunderstand!

"Fuck you, I've never been kind, and kind people would have died long ago." Gu Yunbo retracted his hand uncomfortably, feeling that the place where Sheng Ning had just grasped was hot and scary.

"I'm only interested in men. You don't want to touch me in the future." She has been unpleasant since she was a child. Cold and weird, some people avoided her far away. Some people flattered her carefully because of guilt.

Later, although she changed in the United States, she was more cold and tough, right?


"Then do you want to live with me?"

"Okay!" Sheng Ning promised simply. She touched her belly and silently calculated the child's expected date of delivery, and her expectations gradually fell through. The child is about to be born, and her wish to live Hades to see her own child is probably not fulfilled.

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