"Have you contacted Xu Qigang? Have you written a letter?"

"I can't reach the phone, the letter has been sent out, but whether it can be received is also a problem." Gu Yunbo is also very distressed. Xu Qigang is a young general in the army with a sensitive identity.

If you rashly receive a letter from the United States, this will cause an investigation by Guoan. Not only could it not help Shengning, but it would also harm Xu Qigang. Moreover, the various relations between the troops are complicated, and it is very likely that many people will be affected by a letter from her.

So Gu Yunbo wrote the recipient's name as Qiubai after he deliberated and asked Sheng Ning.

After thinking about it, only Qiubai is the most suitable.

She used to study in the U.S., had overseas connections, and was also in the art troupe. Both Sheng Ning and Xu Qigang are familiar.

The recipient is none other than her.

"You must receive it, you must receive it." Sheng Ning can't wait to pray in her heart day and night, hoping that Xu Qigang will receive the letter as soon as possible and know her news.

"Where is Lynn?" Gu Yunbo couldn't help but ask without seeing anyone.

"Go to the school next door to play." Lynn likes to study very much. At the age of four, he has begun to receive enlightenment education in good conditions. Lynn is precocious, but has no conditions to go to school.

So when it's okay, he will go to school to play in silence and follow other children in class.

"Really a sensible child." Gu Yunbo didn't like children, but he admired Lin En very much.

"You pack up today..." Before she could finish her words, there was a loud noise from the front door. Gu Yunbo's reaction was also very quick. He instantly pulled out the gun from his waist, and put his body in a guard standing posture.

"You hide first." She waved to Shengning.

"Are you OK?"

"Quick..." Gu Yunbo urged anxiously.

Sheng Ning gritted his teeth and went into the shack to hide. Just after hiding, the back door was kicked open vigorously, and a dozen tall and strong men immediately squeezed the small yard into place.

With both swords at war, Gu Yunbo alone did not show weakness.

Suddenly at this moment, everyone on the other side took a step back and made a way out of the middle. A black man carried Lynn in his hand and strode in.

Seeing Gu Yunbo at a glance, he grinned: "Gu?"

"Boss Daves?" Gu Yunbo now wished to fish Lin Lisha out of the sea and whip her body. This woman was too brainless and dared to provoke anyone.

Even if I die, I still have to trouble others. The one in front of you is called Michael. Daves, the most famous man, runs the casino, bar, and theater under his hands.

The forces are intertwined, and although the methods are vicious, it is generally fine as long as you follow the rules and don't provoke him. It can be seen that Lin Lisha's stabbing is not small if he can come forward in person.

And the casino where he works is Michael. Dave's.

"Let it all down." Daves waved around, and everyone put down their guns after hearing this.

Gu Yunbo quickly put it away, pretending to not know, "Boss Daves, why are you free to come here? What's wrong with my little nephew?"

"What is your relationship with Lisa Lin?"

"I didn't know her at all. I rented her mother's house before, so I have seen it several times."

"Oh! Then you don't care about her." Daves brought Lynn to him like a chicken, and said coldly: "Go, let your aunt come out!"

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