People who can find West Point Military Academy are definitely not ordinary people. Gu Yunbo nodded and walked away quickly. When she got outside, she was shocked.

"Instructor Gu Yunbo." Manager Xing nodded modestly and politely.

"Manager Xing." Gu Yunbo said hello quickly, not arrogant at all.

There is no Chinese in the United States who does not know the Feng family. She was taken care of by the Feng Family Foundation when she first came to the United States. Naturally, he dare not neglect this representative of Mr. Feng.

"Ms. Xing, is there anything wrong with you looking for me? Just let someone inform me to find you."

"It doesn't matter, I'd better come here in person."

"Then you please."

Gu Yunbo took Manager Xing to his office to sit down, and put a glass of boiled water on the table.

"Don't be busy!" Manager Xing is not here to drink tea, even if he drinks tea, he does not drink boiled water. "I'm asking you something. Did you go to Kember Road yesterday?"

Gu Yunbo's heart has been up and down since he saw Director Xing. She is so qualified to see a big man like Manager Xing, who is still working at night?

Besides, I should come here personally? Dreaming is impossible, but the impossible happens.

Once things are abnormal, nothing is good.

So she has been on guard, and now she hears Manager Xing's question, and her sense of precaution is immediately activated. Kember Road is Lynn's home, she went there yesterday. Could it be that the bad guys came to the door just after Shengning moved out?

She glanced at Director Xing suspiciously, secretly surprised. It is hard to see that the philanthropist in the Chinese world is actually engaged in human trading. Really human-faced, beast-hearted, mean, treacherous, and shameless.

Fortunately, she was very grateful to the Feng family for taking care of the Chinese.

"I've been there." Gu Yunbo wanted to understand in his heart that he casually sat down in the opposite chair, "If something happens, you say, I'm a rough person and don't like to bend."

Manager Xing smiled, "I'm looking for someone with a big belly and about 20 years old. I wonder if you have seen it?"

Gu Yunbo made a thoughtful expression, and said for a long time: "No one has seen it, but the corpse has seen it."

At this time, Director Xing could no longer calm down, and suddenly stood up, frightening Gu Yunbo.

The Feng family has done such a big business, wouldn't it be impossible to afford this loss? Sheng Ning is not worth much when sold! Could it be...

A trace of guard flashed in Gu Yunbo's eyes. Could it be that the Feng family knew Sheng Ning's talent in marksmanship, so he moved other thoughts? If this is troublesome, the Feng family is not easy to fool.

Since I found her here, it means that she has a certain clue, but there are loopholes in her nonsense.

"Gu Yunbo, you have to be careful and responsible for your own words. If you let me know that you dare to lie to me, don't blame me for being polite." Manager Xing's face suddenly became cold, and his body was very fierce.

Gu Yunbo can be considered as someone who has seen strong winds and waves, and he can't help feeling nervous.

"Why did I lie to you? It's what happened the night before. The corpse was hacked to death and was thrown into the sea. If you don't believe it, you can ask. Many people have seen the thing the night before. You can ask any question. come out."

"The night before? Where did it happen?"

Gu Yunbo's eyes rolled around and said decisively: "It's on Kembei Road. It's unlucky to say it. My former landlord left a little grandson, and this little grandson took in a woman who had smuggled in with a kind heart. I didn't expect this. The woman had an enemy outside, and she suddenly came to the door the night before and hacked the man to death. The little grandson who killed her moved in the middle of the night."

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