May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1399: Not betray friends

"So this is the reason you moved?"

"I can't live there, they are not me." Gu Yunbo opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"Is that woman called Shengning?"

"Yes, it's the name. It's pretty or pretty long. It's a pity. It's so pretty and it's so young."

Manager Xing took out the portrait from his body with trembling hands and spread it out, "Look, is it the person above?"

"That's right, I'm even better than the portrait. I heard that. This woman has a very background in mainland China. Her husband is the head of the regiment. The two uncles are the army commander and the mayor. The grandfather is the commander!"

Gu Yunbo sighed, "You said, with such a profound background living in a foreign country, isn't it going to die on the streets? Is a profound background useful?"

Mr. Xing's hand holding the portrait exerted a little bit of force, and the corners of the paper were deformed due to his strength.

"What else do you know? Tell me clearly. If you are not clear, let Lynn speak."

"I said, I said!" Grandma's, it turned out that the visitor was not good at investigating everything, even Linn's name was known.

"I know Sheng Ning's details, all of them."

"Why don't you say it?" Manager Xing urged irritably.

"Yes..." Grandma's, let me see if I don't play with you. "Sheng Ning's husband is Xu Qigang, the two uncles are Su Jiang, the other is Su Hai, and the grandfather is Su Qirong. My grandmother seems to be Feng Zhifen? Anyway, because my grandfather’s family is so prominent, I remember it better, so I don’t know the others ."

In fact, these things Gu Yunbo said, Sheng Ning just mentioned them in general, and didn't mention the name. But she knows it! She knew the Su family before she went abroad.

Su's family is Meng Fan's cheap uncle's family. It's hard to know.

"Feng Zhifen, Su Qirong..." Manager Xing kept muttering to himself as he was struck by lightning, "It's right, it's really right..." It's the name of her grandmother, and her husband's name is Su Qirong.

"I want to know how Shengning's grandparents are doing? Are they still alive?"

"Dead, grandma died early, not long after grandpa died."

The more Gu Yunbo said, the more ugly Mr. Xing's face became, and he could hardly stand up in the end.

For so many years, my husband has been eager to return to the roots of the fallen leaves, but only wants to see his sister for the last time before he dies. I never thought that my aunt had passed away. If my husband knew about it, she would be very sad.

"What's up? Your face is very ugly, do you want to see a doctor? If you are older, you should pay more attention to maintenance."

Manager Xing's face changed, "Gu Yunbo, what you said is true or false, I will investigate it clearly. If you let me know that there is half a word of lies, I will kill you." At the last word, Manager Xing's eyes Burst out a strong killing intent.

He was not joking, let alone scaring people.

The matter about grandma was ordered by the husband himself. Whoever dares to be disobedient, he dares to die.

The Feng family has always been a philanthropist in the Chinese world, and will always take care of the yellow race, and donate tens of millions to Chinatown every year. But this does not mean that the Feng family is a soft persimmon with no temper.

Whoever dared to pull a tooth from a tiger’s mouth must pay a price.

Gu Yunbo trembled, almost telling the truth. She has been mixing for so long, and of course she knows that the Feng family is great, but has she made a friend?

She can't betray.

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