May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1402: Have a baby sister

"Wait, you put me on the bed first." She lay uncomfortably on the ground.

Gu Yunbo patted his head vigorously, "Look at me stupid." He said that he was about to come and hug her to bed. It happened that Little Lynn was also alarmed and ran in barefoot to help.

"Lynn, Sheng Ning will leave it to you. I must take care of her after I come back."

"Don't worry!" The little guy's nervous lips were white, and the pink face was tightly taut.

The premature birth was so sudden that it made Gu Yunbo completely unprepared. In addition, Mr. Xing came to the door during the day, and everything happened to be piled up together.

She put the gun away and left in a hurry.

"Auntie, does your stomach hurt? I'll pour you a glass of boiling water."

"Okay!" Sheng Ning's whole body was soaked in sweat, and she lay down on the bed and endured bitterly. She had a hunch that her baby would be born soon.

She put her fingers on her belly carefully, and said softly: "I know that you are going to be born, baby. Aunt Gu Yunbo is going to see a doctor. The doctor will come right away. Don't worry! Don't torture mom. If you torture mom again, I I don't love you anymore..."

Lin En poured water and heard Sheng Ning's words with a lonely look, "Auntie, drink water."

"Okay, thank you." Sheng Ning reluctantly got up and took a drink with a high pillow under his head.

She couldn't drink anymore because of her stomachache.

Lynn took the cup and put it on the bedside table, and then followed Sheng Ning's way and put a small hand on her belly, and said in a serious manner: "Little sister, don't torture auntie! If you tortured auntie, you will follow I am the same!"

In order to distract, Sheng Ning asked, "How about you, Xiao Lin?"

"I was born by my mother in a bar, and she was thrown into the trash can when she was born. Grandma found it later."

Sheng Ning was biting her lip, her lower lip was bleeding from her bite.

Lin Lisha, a scumbag, thanks to her ability to do such a wicked thing.

She is now a mother, and she feels the most painful for those torturing her children. Obviously he was messing around with men and women outside, and he didn't know who the father of the child was. As a result, all the blame was placed on the innocent child.

What's wrong with Lynn?

In the end, when he fell on the street, he could only blame himself, not others.

Originally, Sheng Ning still sympathized with Lin Lisa, but now after listening to Xiao Lin, she has no sympathy left.

"Lynn, every child is an angel, and so are you. Lin Lisha doesn't love you, she still has grandma and aunt. She doesn't know how to cherish that she is blind..."

"Yeah!" The little guy smiled, then continued to touch Sheng Ning's belly with his little hands. "Little sister, you have to be good! When you are born, I will give you all the delicious and fun things!"

"Do you have something delicious? Is it fun?" Sheng Ning joked helplessly.

"Not now, there will always be in the future." The little guy retorted seriously.

"I think so too."

"It would be great."

"Lynn, how did you know that it was little sister?" Attention was distracted, and the pain was not as intense as before.

"I like my little sister! I will spoil my little sister as a princess."

"Hahaha... and you can still marry little Lin En when you grow up!" Sheng Ning teased him deliberately, seeing the little guy blushing and found it very interesting. Is this a son-in-law training in advance?

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