May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1403: Must be stepmother

Little Lynn is so good, smart and filial to grow up, he must be a good son-in-law. The main point is very long, and he has all the mixed-race points.

Sheng Ning touched his stomach, an adult and a child, the actions of the two were surprisingly consistent.

"Little sister, you have to be obedient! You can only marry Prince Lynn when you grow up. If you cry and be careful, he won't want you."

"No." Lynn lowered her head shyly, "Auntie, when I grow up without money, will you dislike me? I heard grandma say that the first criterion for mother-in-law to see son-in-law is to have money, but I Very poor, very poor."

"Hahaha..." Sheng Ning couldn't help it anymore, her stomach hurts and wanted to cry, but Lin En was teased and wanted to laugh again, and she couldn't stand the torment. "Do you really want to marry a little sister?"

"Auntie, do you want to repent?" Lynn blinked icy blue eyes and looked at Sheng Ning pitifully. "How can you repent? You have to be honest, and you have to say so. Have you ever said the same? ?"

"No, the aunt speaks honestly."

"That's good." The little guy smiled sweetly, and then continued to caress Sheng Ning's belly carefully, his eyes were like looking at his future wife.

"Little princess, you have to grow up quickly! I will treat you well for the rest of my life."

Shengning dumbfounded! This...what if you were born with an ugly monster or a character of your own in a previous life, would you pit little Lynn?

"Little sister, you must be obedient, smart, kind, and beautiful... In short, if you are not good, I won't love you." You can't give birth to a bear child and pit little Lin En.

Otherwise she feels so distressed!

The little sister said in her belly, is this princess real?

Are you a stepmother?

You must be a stepmother!

Feng's Manor

"Lao Xing, you are back?" Manager Ni was guarding outside Mr. Feng's study, and when he saw Manager Xing return in the dark, he frowned and said unhappily: "What have you been up to lately? How do you look at you every day? God mysterious?"

"Looking for someone, I met a **** who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth." Manager Xing started cursing for such cultivation, showing that he was really angry.

Not long after he left the West Point Military Academy, the manpower left before reported that Gu Yunbo had disappeared. This made him, who had been suspicious, immediately aware that he had been tricked.

There are really no people who dare to play with him.

Feng always pays attention to the rules in doing business in the United States, and the most important thing in the rules is integrity. Everyone knows their style of doing things, and no one dares to provoke after so many years.

The most important thing is that everyone has money to make, let alone deliberately breaking the rules.

Gu Yunbo is looking for death!

Later, Julien also confirmed that before Shengning escaped from him, there would never be enemies in the United States. Even if there was that, she was still in the country. After she fell into the sea, Julien was salvaged unconsciously.

Just brought it to the United States, during which no one knew.

After investigation, it was Lin Lisha who had an enemy. There are still a lot of enemies, who was hacked to death with a knife, and it was Lin Lisha who threw the body into the sea.

Gu Yunbo stabbed a big basket this time. No one in the United States dared to play Mr. Xing like that. He was polite to everyone and obeyed the Feng family's rules, but it didn't mean he had no temper.

In his anger, he asked people to arrest Gu Yunbo on the spot, without killing her, he would be embarrassed to go out to see people in the future.

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