The old man was very excited when he heard that, "Brother-in-law has fulfilled all his promises back then, and he did not disappoint his sister.

"Yes, the Su family is now a first-class family in the mainland."

"That's good, that's good, my sister finally has nothing to marry inhumans."

"Grandma Auntie was the best talented woman in Shanghai back then. Of course she would not misunderstand her." Director Xing and You Rongyan said.

"Where is the person? When will Shengning really find it for me?" Originally, Mr. Feng didn't give much thought to finding the Mithril master, but now he is sure that he is the descendant of his sister. How can he, the grandfather of his uncle, also help. Put it.

"It will be found soon."

Manager Xing stood up confidently and said respectfully: "I have a hunch, Shengning is very smart, please rest assured."

After avoiding Julien and his search several times, besides luck, there is also cleverness.

"Hmm! As soon as possible!"

"Yes, sir, let me help you go back to the bedroom to rest!"

"it is good!"

Mr. Xing personally helped Mr. Feng back to the bedroom, and he came out lightly after the old man lay down. When I came out, I saw that Director Ni was not asleep, standing in the corridor waiting for him!

"What's up?"

"Your people are back, and someone has been arrested. Go and see in the annex."

"it is good!"

Feng's Manor covers a huge area, in addition to the main mobile building, there are two annex buildings and a guest building. The guest building is connected to the main building and is elegantly furnished. Each room has a different style, which is specially designed to entertain guests.

The annex buildings are on the left and right. The one on the right is for servants, the one on the left is for people like Mr. Xing, and there are bodyguards working outside.

The annex on the left is particularly mysterious in the manor. There is not only a confinement room, but even a small prison. As long as anyone is locked in, don't think of it.

After Mr. Xing arrived in a hurry, he saw Gu Yunbo in prison at a glance.

"Let me out, let me out..." Gu Yunbo was almost mad, she came out to help Sheng Ning find a doctor to deliver the baby. Unexpectedly, he was arrested just after leaving Broadway Avenue.

This Director Xing is really frantic enough, and a woman who arrested her actually sent out dozens of people.

Surrounded her and fired a shot without saying a word. The bullet passed through her thigh, but fortunately no bone was injured. Even so, Gu Yunbo's life is uncomfortable.

She knew in her heart that the other party wanted to kill her.

Manager Xing's face sank as soon as he saw Gu Yunbo, "Kill it!" He would never give a second chance to anyone who dares to play him.

The bodyguard on the side took out the pistol from his body for the first time, pulled the bolt and aimed it at Gu Yunbo.

"Wait..." Gu Yunbo shouted desperately at the very moment of his death: "You will regret you killing me, don't you want to find Shengning?"

Originally, Director Xing had already walked to the door, and when he heard her words, he slowly turned his head and showed a cold smile, "I want to find someone, and I will always find it. If you die, I can't delay my finding someone."

Damn it, don't avoid softness and hardness when you are cold Gu Yunbo secretly cursed bad luck in his heart, originally vowing to stab his friend. Now I can only be a bear.

Little life is important, so let's save life first.

"But if I die, she will die too." Gu Yunbo sullen his heart and shouted, "You hurry up and let me go, or she will die."

"You want to lie to me again, right?" Manager Xing's face was pale, the outside bodyguard grabbed Gu Yunbo's wrist on the railing, and she screamed with pain, and the whole body followed the bodyguard again.

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