"Stop, stop, I promise not to panic. She needs a doctor now, otherwise I won't run out in the middle of the night. If I don't come out, you won't be able to catch me."

Manager Xing was taken aback for a moment, only then realized that Gu Yunbo might have misunderstood his intentions, so he lied to him. And because of some of Gu Yunbo's not-so-open deeds, he also included her in the ranks of dangerous elements.

"I really didn't lie to you this time. If she dies, you won't be able to sell her."

"Asshole!" Manager Xing said angrily: "Sheng Ning wants to call our husband a sentence to grandpa, how can I sell her!"

"Ah? Didn't you sell humans with Julien?"

At this time, Manager Xing almost fainted, and the other bodyguards also looked insulted.

"Is she going to give birth?"

"Yes, premature delivery."

"Damn it, if something happens, you still won't be able to save your life."

This time Gu Yunbo was almost annoyed to death. Does she know that Shengning actually has such a strong overseas relationship? Would she know that she would do something extra? She got a shot for nothing.

At this time, Sheng Ning's stomach hurts no matter how distracted, Gu Yunbo has been out for more than two hours and has not returned.

It is likely that something went wrong.

"Auntie, bear it, you bear it!" Lin En's anxious eyes were red, and tears kept rolling in his eyes, "Gu Yunbo will be back soon, and she will be back soon."

Lynn had said this an hour ago, but Sheng Ning was already waiting in despair.

"She must be in an accident, otherwise it won't be so long." Sheng Ning's lips had been bitten and blood came out, "Lynn, we can't wait any longer, you go downstairs to find Daves, now only He can help me."

She didn't want to find someone as dangerous as Daves as a last resort.

But now she has less and less strength, and she feels that her vitality is slowly passing away. She didn't know if she could still persist, and now her mind was filled with bits and pieces of being with the Living Hades after she was reborn.

Sheng Ning has an unknown premonition that people say that he will only recall his life when he is about to die.

The child hasn't been born yet, and she hasn't seen the last side of the living Hades, she doesn't want to die. She couldn't bear to die, if she died abroad like this, she could not swallow this breath.

"Lynn, go quickly, go quickly!"

"Good good..."

Lin En was frightened by the tears on Sheng Ning's face and the blood at the corners of his mouth, and stumbled downstairs. The theater below was closed long ago, and there was no one inside.

I heard that when business was good in the past, there were people living in it as a guard, but now there are no people who live in bad business.

Lynn found Daves' number from the front desk and called.

"Hi, hello." Daves' passionate voice came from inside, listening to the background music should be in the casino.

"Mr. Daves, my aunt is about to give birth, and no one asks for your help now. She is going to die, she is really going to die." After all, Lynn, who is only four years old, has been suffering upstairs. Not crying is for fear of affecting Shengning.

With the phone in his hand, I couldn't help crying anymore.

"Please, Mr. Daves, please help my aunt, we will report on you in the future." The stubborn little guy, this is the second time to ask for help.

Both times because of Shengning.

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