Speaking and looking up and down Qin Cuifen, with a bloated figure, a thick waist with a bucket, and a chest exposed during dragging.

This look is not as good as the one standing outside.

"Uuuu..." Qin Cuifen's mouth was sore that he couldn't speak at all, and could only look at Feng Zhenzhen bitterly with curses in his eyes.

"Dig her eyes for me!" Feng Zhenzhen said fiercely.

Feng Jianxi, who had been standing on the sidelines all the time, had a sinister calculation flashing in his eyes. Seeing that at this time, he put on a good brother's face to stop him and said: "Zhen Zhen, you can't do this. If grandpa knew about this, it would be unhappy. ."

This sentence reminded Feng Zhenzhen that grandpa really didn't like the tricks of juniors to be too vicious. Go straight into the eyes of living people, and if it spreads out, her reputation will be ruined.

But just letting Qin Cuifen go, she couldn't swallow that breath.

Feng Zhenzhen thought for a while and ordered: "Send her to the prison in the left annex building. I want her to know the curse of our Feng family."

"Yes!" The bodyguard dragged Qin Cuifen away like a dog without saying a word.

When going out, Qin Cuifen's whole body was pressed to the ground, leaving a blood stain where he said it.

She stared at Feng Zhenzhen bitterly, her eyes were blood red, and the bloodshot eyes almost burst out.

"Unlucky." Feng Zhenzhen let out a cold snort, and turned back to the room to take a shower and change clothes.

The rest of the people in the living room suddenly became lively, "What the **** is going on?"

"Why does Zhen Zhen say that?"

"Who is the real Shengning?"

"Then what's the name of this fake?"

"Is she found by Director Xing? Is Uncle Xing so unreliable to do things?"

At this moment, Director Xing had helped Mr. Feng to come in. The two of them looked at the blood stains on the ground and knew what had happened just now.

Mr. Feng shook his head slightly, Zhen Zhen was still too impulsive. She never knew what it meant to kill with a knife, and how to use her advantage well.

As the heir appointed by the Feng family, as long as a word, someone will help her. What do you want to do? Not to mention the digging of eyes, even the five-horse corpse will help her do a good job.

But she just used the most stupid method, dirtying her hands, and planting the seeds of hatred.

"Sir, that Qin Cuifen..." A trace of killing intent flashed in Manager Xing's eyes, and Mr. Feng immediately understood. Miss Zhen Zhen has already forged a death feud with Qin Cuifen this time, and the best way to treat such a person is to never have trouble.

Staying one day longer is a hidden danger.

Director Xing's eyes swept across Feng Jianxi unintentionally, and he became more wary of the Fourth Young Master.

The suggestion he gave to Miss Zhenzhen just now seemed to be for the sake of Miss Zhenzhen, but in fact the calculations inside were deeper.

"It's time to teach Zhen Zhen a lesson."

"Yes!" Manager Xing replied respectfully. However, there is a huge wave in my heart. If I change to a normal husband, I will help Miss Zhenzhen to clear the obstacles as usual. Why not do this today?

He thought of the emperor's green pull finger sent out in the morning, and the horror in his heart was much higher.

He understands that after meeting with Sheng Ning today, the husband finally made up his mind to give up Miss Zhenzhen.

Speaking of which, Miss Zhen Zhen is good at everything, but she is not suitable to be the heir, the head of the Feng family.

She is still not smart enough.

"Grandpa, you are back."

"Grandpa, did you go to meet someone today?" The crowd turned around and saw Mr. Feng coming in, and they surrounded them.

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