May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1421: The real Shengning

Feng Jianxi tidyed up his clothes, smiled decently and came up to support Mr. Feng's left arm, "Grandpa, have you eaten? It's time for lunch now, everyone is waiting for you."

"Okay!" Mr. Feng smiled and nodded, "It's been a long time since we had dinner together. Today we are all together. I just have a good news to announce."

After hearing the good news he said, everyone was curious. It is probably related to Shengning,

Feng's restaurant can accommodate a hundred people at the same time.

The huge, oval dining table is covered with a red velvet table top and delicate silver tableware is placed on it. This is dedicated to Western food, and there is a round dining table next door, which is dedicated to Chinese food.

In the past, Mr. Feng used the western table the most. Later, as he got older, he missed the dishes in his hometown more and more. Many cooks who can cook Chinese food were also hired in the manor.

"Let’s eat Western food today!" Mr. Feng was in a good mood and even jokingly said: "How many granddaughters do I have who can’t use chopsticks? Let’s accommodate my granddaughter today.

"Grandpa, we will definitely learn."

"Yes, Grandpa, I am studying every day."

The speaker was a teenage girl with blond hair and blue eyes.

"No, it is difficult enough for you to learn Chinese. Our family is not a hegemonic family." Mr. Feng sat down in the first place and drank a cup of tea to moisturize his throat.

Feng Jianxi lowered his head, a faint light flashed under his eyes.

The Feng family is the real hegemonic family! If it is not hegemony, are so many people fighting for power?

"Today I want to announce an important thing to everyone." Mr. Feng cleared his throat and said solemnly: "Today, Mr. Xing found the descendants of my sister, that is, the descendants of your aunt."

Feng's family all know the name of this aunt, although she has never seen her, but she has heard many legends since she was a child. At the same time, it became clearer in my heart that grandma's weight in grandpa's heart.


"She's called Shengning, and she looks almost exactly the same as your aunt."

"Sheng Ning turned out to be grandma's descendants, no wonder..." Feng Jianxi finally figured out what hadn't been understood. He glanced at Mr. Feng suspiciously, and then at Manager Xing who was standing behind him.

Quietly in my heart, I made an calculation.

The importance of grandpa's descendants in grandpa's heart is self-evident. If they can form an alliance with Shengning, it will definitely be even more powerful to him.

"Where is that person?"

"Grandpa, why don't you bring Shengning back?"

If there is a chance to make Grandpa happy, the big guys are naturally enthusiastic.

"Grandpa, Shengning must be very beautiful."

"Who is Shengning or Zhenzhen more like grandma?" I don't know who asked this, and the whole restaurant fell silent.

Everyone thought that Feng Zhenzhen was able to become the designated heir of the family because of her face that was somewhat similar to her aunt?

Now there is someone more like Feng Zhenzhen, isn't it a good show?

"Of course the immediate family members are more like it." Mr. Feng replied cheerfully, as if he didn't notice the weird atmosphere in the restaurant.


Victoria Hospital

Sheng Ning gave birth to two babies because she was in normal labor, so she could barely get out of bed despite the rest of the day and night. Wearing a thick padded jacket, she couldn't wait to come to the holding room.

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