Looking at the two little babies inside through the transparent glass, there are gentle smiles between the eyebrows and eyes.

The pain and despair of such a long time came to completion at this moment.

Everything is worth it.

She leaned on the glass with her hands tightly pressed against the glass, trying her best to get closer to the baby.

"Have you taken the name?" Gu Yunbo limped over with an apple in his hand, followed by a handsome man behind him.

Sheng Ning glanced unexpectedly, "This is? Don't you introduce it?"

"Oh!" Gu Yunbo took a bite of the apple and said nonchalantly: "This is an insignificant person, so you don't think you have seen it."

Arthur, who was following Gu Yunbo, gave her a very resentful look, and then walked to the front with a grim expression: "Hello, I am Gu's leader. Just call me Arthur."

"Hello, my name is Shengning."

"I know!" Arthur smiled: "You are the wife of King Living Hades, and I know him too. He is a great hero, a real man!"

"How do you know?" Sheng Ning felt that she used to sit in a well and watch the sky too much, and the King of Living Hades actually knew foreigners?

"We met on the battlefield in Southern Xinjiang before. At that time, we were opponents, but I personally admire him very much..." Sheng Ning interrupted before Arthur's words were finished.

"You are not welcome here." Grandma's, it turned out to be the enemy of Living Hades! Really, someone who is brave enough to run to her to introduce himself, who gave him the courage?

"I... listen to my explanation."

"Go and go, hurry up, you are not welcome here." Gu Yunbo followed and chased the people, his movements were very quick. She had been waiting long ago. She had been waiting for this moment since Arthur was about to introduce herself.

He was really a thoughtless guy, she had told him before that he didn't know that Meng Fan died on the southern Xinjiang battlefield, let alone the real situation of that battlefield.

If she hadn't seen that Arthur had helped her a lot when she was not familiar with anything when she first came, she would have liked to shoot him.

"I, things are not what you think, in fact, I and the Living Hades are enemies and friends..."

"Shut up! Who is an enemy or friend with you? Don't throw dirty water!" Sheng Ning was very angry. If he said this in China, or let someone who wants to hear it, he would know how to work behind the scenes. Where's Hades!

"When you let me hear this, I will shoot you." Before Sheng Ning finished speaking, he took the gun directly from his pocket.

This is what Mr. Xing defended her.

"Are you still going? My sisters are sharpshooters, so where do you point them?"

"Okay, then!" Arthur shrugged helplessly. Before leaving, he didn't forget to tell him, "Gu, I didn't approve your vacation. You have to go back to class."

"Have you seen me injured?"

"Only when you go back to school, I can better protect you."

"Who wants you to protect?" Gu Yunbo said grimly: "You go quickly!"

Arthur was successfully driven away, Sheng Ning put away the gun on her body, and said dissatisfied: "Why did you come so close to a foreign devil?"

"Do you see me getting closer to him? I can't wait to stay away from him."

Sheng Ning looked at her meaningfully, "I think his eyes are very wrong when he sees you. He is saying that he is your leader. Do you want to come personally?"

"That must be your illusion." Gu Yunbo looked around indifferently, and was very excited when he saw the baby with his eyes open in the holding room.

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