May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1442: Literary soldiers are back

As soon as he finished speaking, the little brother finally opened his eyes. His big eyes were dark and bright, and he smirked at Sheng Ning.

"Hahaha..." Sheng Ning was amused with joy.

Gu Yunbo watched her interaction with her child and said with emotion: "I was really silly for three years. I don't know if Teacher Qiubai received the letter? It should have arrived. If you don't receive it, it means you won't receive it. Are you here?"

Sheng Ning coaxed the little brother who woke up, and said: "I'll write another one! We can't wait. If the letter is not enough, we have to think of other ways."

"okay, I get it!

"Have you found the Feng Family's attitude very strange?" Gu Yunbo frowned and thought deeply: "I always feel that there is something wrong."

Sheng Ning glanced at Aunt Feng who was busy working in the kitchen, motioned to Gu Yunbo to keep her voice down, and then whispered, "I've found out a long time ago."

"Then you have to pay attention!"

"I'm about to tell you about this."

"You said!"

"I don't worry about anything now, only the safety of the two babies, so I want to ask you to take care of me."

Gu Yunbo belongs to the kind of people who don't say a word of nonsense to people who are unfamiliar or unapproved. But once she recognizes this person, she will help her heart and soul.

After hearing Sheng Ning's request, she nodded without hesitation.

"Don't worry! I will move over to live with you, and I have taken a long vacation at the military school."

"The foreign devil Arthur seems reluctant to approve your vacation."

"Don't worry, that foreign devil is easy to deal with." Gu Yunbo gave a sly smile.

Sheng Ning shook her head and laughed. The clever Gu Yunbo was like a child facing emotional problems. She didn't see the real reason why Arthur was easy to deal with.


Northern Military District

Today's Thirty-Ninth Division Art Troupe has far surpassed the Advance Song and Dance Troupe in terms of reputation and strength. But what followed was a huge, busy schedule.

Various performances and condolences made everyone busy and dizzy.

Often even Shen Feihu wanted to find Yang Wenying and couldn't see it.

Especially when it comes to the wing, August 1st and 11th are considered to be one of the two most important festivals in the army. As a literary soldier, there are a lot of celebrations and condolences. Although the requirements are not high, the performance task is too heavy.

Teachers Yang Wenying and Qiubai took the art troupe to perform for two months, and finally returned to the division with exhaustion after completing all the performance tasks assigned by their superiors.

When the truck drove into the division, everyone almost cried with excitement.

In particular, backbones like Wu Youli and Yang Xiaoman carry heavier burdens, and even the unreliable Lu Dabao has become half a professional art soldier. If she didn't think about eating all the time, she could have eliminated the word ‘half’.

"The art soldiers are back."

"I finally came back. The only benefit of our division is that we can see the art soldiers every day. As a result, two people didn't see it this time."


"You don't know, the leaders of other divisions and the director of the political department often come to us to borrow people."

"This is the honor of our 39th Division."


The soldiers talked a lot, and Yang Wenying and Qiu Bai walked side by side on the road. Both of them have lost a lot of weight, especially Qiu Bai. She just caught a cold when she heard the news of the accident in Shengning. It took more than a month for her to recover completely.

This is the student who has placed all her hopes on, and she is also the student she is most optimistic about and proud of.

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