That's it!

With the child, in such a tragic way.

When the news reached the art troupe, the whole group was crying.

"I want to go to Tianjin Port to see." Qiubai was very depressed, half tired and half not out of the shadow of Shengning leaving.

"Yeah! I will arrange things in the regiment today, and I will go with you tomorrow." The Su family and Xu Qigang didn't set up a monument for Shengning, and there was nothing. I really don't know what they think, now I want to miss the only place I can go is the place where the accident happened.

"No need! I will go today."

"You are so tired, so go to bed early tonight and take a break. I will let the guard drive us tomorrow morning."

"No need!" Qiu Bai refused.

She waved to Yang Wenying, and when she walked to the door through the reception room, the uncle saw her in surprise and said: "Teacher Qiubai, Teacher Qiubai has your letter. It has been a while, and you left it without you. "

"My letter?" Qiubai was surprised. She really didn't have many friends with cold personality, and only a few could write to her.

"Yes, that's right. I think there are foreign devils on it, you wait for me to find it for you." The uncle is old and has always used English as a child, but he still used it as a child.

Qiubai showed a look of surprise. The only people who could write to her in English were her tutors in the United States.

"Thank you!" She thanked her politely, went in to take the letter from the uncle, and was stunned looking at the words on it.

The English font is not her familiar handwriting, and the teacher's handwriting will not be childish like a child. And why are the Chinese characters so familiar?

She rubbed her eyes subconsciously, almost thinking that she had made a mistake. But no matter how she looked at it, the Chinese characters on it were still there.

‘Dear Teacher Qiubai, accept it. ’

This... This is Sheng Ning's tone, Sheng Ning's handwriting.

Qiubai's tears fell unknowingly, and the tears dripped on the envelope and spread slowly. She hurriedly wiped it with her sleeve, cherishing it very carefully.

"Teacher Qiubai, what's wrong with you?" The uncle respected Qiubai. In fact, people in the division all respect this talented and good-tempered teacher who has drunk foreign ink.

"I'm okay, I'm okay!" Qiu Bai said that it was okay, but the tears kept falling, which scared the uncle. The communication room used to come and go every day, and a little soldier came in and saw that Teacher Qiubai was crying.

"I'll notify Captain Yang." He said, he ran out.

Qiubai covered his mouth and opened his eyes slightly, trying to call the little soldier back, but the person was no longer there.

She cried and went to call Yang Wenying what's the matter?

"Teacher Qiubai, stop crying, why are you crying!" The old man was very strange.

Teacher Qiubai gave everyone a strong impression. Don't look at her being quiet and quiet, but looking at people's eyes, there are people who have the power to strengthen people's hearts.

"I'm not crying!" Qiubai's red eyes showed an unsightly smile to the uncle, and trembling hands opened the envelope, and the familiar writing suddenly appeared on the paper.

"Oh my God! It's really Shengning, it's really Shengning." She quickly browsed through the content above, her eyes filled with shock, astonishment, and incredible surprises.

"There is such a coincidence in the world."

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