Without knowing anything, countless people are listed as enemies.

Uncle grandpa put her up as a target.

"So Mr. Feng regrets it, and he is full of disappointment with the previous heir. And you, his newly elected heir, will also shoulder the responsibility and glory of the heir in the future."

After Gu Yunbo finished speaking, he looked at her sympathetically, "Seriously, did you have any agreement with Mr. Feng? Or did he talk to you in private?"

"Nothing!" Sheng Ning shook his head innocently, "If you don't tell me today, I wouldn't find it, my goodness! Then my expression to Feng Zhenzhen during the day is not a pretentious gesture?"

"Ha ha ha ha... what do you mean! If I were Feng Zhenzhen, I would choke you to death."

"Ahhhhh..." Sheng Ning squeezed his face irritably, "I really want to go back to China! I really want to live Hades!" This ghost place is really irritable.

"Days are going to pass." Gu Yunbo stood up, yawned, and said before leaving: "I will go back to Chinatown tomorrow to help you see if there is any reply, but I tell you not to have too much hope."

"Good, good..." Sheng Ning hurriedly said, "Thank you Gu Nv Xia for your help, wait! When I make money, you can become a millionaire and become my agent."

"Really?" Gu Yunbo doubted, "Why do I sound a little mysterious? I think you might as well follow Daves to shoot him a black gun. You can catch him with your marksmanship."

In the future, Daves is engaged in fierce negotiations, as long as he brings Shengning, he is not afraid of anything.

"Don't worry! I'm rich in China!" It hurts to think of this. She has made so much money without time to spend or confess to the living king, let alone send the money home.

Fortunately, she didn't die. If it were to die like this, she would definitely have to vomit one more blood on the original basis before the money was spent.

"So don't worry this time! I found out that the little brother and little sister have better fortune than me. I met Mary today because of their little heroes."

"I hope not to be as poor as I am."

Gu Yunbo can make money and spend money. The most important thing is that she still doesn't know where her money has been spent. Anyway, it was three hundred and sixty-five days a year, and there was no money every day.

Sheng Ning called Daves the next day, and wanted to ask him to meet in the afternoon. As soon as the call was put down, the Daves people rushed over. It seemed that they had rushed over.

"What's the matter?" Sheng Ning just changed the diaper for the child and is coaxing the child!

The little brother looked around with his big grunting eyes. When he saw Daves' black skin, his pupils were obviously widened.

"I have something to tell you."

"Then you wait for me downstairs first." The theater is closed, and there are many tables and chairs for guests to sit downstairs.

"it is good!"

After Daves went down, Sheng Ning, let’s go. Lin En shouted, "Little Lin En, please take care of my little brother and little sister!"

"Yeah!" Lynn nodded, "Auntie, don't worry!"

The little guy has grown taller recently, and he didn't have much clothes to wear before, now he is shorter. Go where Mary is tomorrow. He brought and made some clothes. "Okay! Then call me if you have something to do. When Aunt Feng comes back from shopping, you can rest!"

"I know."

Sheng Ning confessed everything, and then went downstairs. When he arrived downstairs, Daves was sitting on the sofa seat against the glass window and looked out the window with his arms folded.

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