May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1466: Feng Zhenzhen was burned

"You just came, I'm looking for something to do with you."

"Listen to me first." Daves waited for her to sit down across from him and said, "Do you know? An accident happened after you left the Feng's Manor last night."

Sheng Ning couldn't help being frightened when he thought of Gu Yunbo's words before going to bed yesterday. "What's the matter? Why didn't I get the news at all?"

"The Feng family blocked all the news. I paid special attention to get the first-hand internal news." Daves runs a casino and naturally has his own news channels.

Sheng Ning's hands on the table clenched tightly together.

"It was the heir of the Feng family who had the accident. I heard that a big fire was set off while taking a bath in the room, and the whole room was burnt to ashes." Daves' expression was a bit exaggerated, "According to my years of experience, this must be Someone deliberately set fire, and in all likelihood, it is family fighting."

"Feng Zhenzhen?"

"That's right! The famous ladies in the upper class are not expensive or ghosts to be burned. I heard that they were taking a bath at the time, and they only survived by that little bath water. But it's better to die! The beauty is gone, and the identity of the heir is gone."

Sheng Ning's heart was beating extremely fast, she couldn't help holding it down with her palm. There is an unspeakable anger in my heart, it must be Feng Xintong, it must be her.

It turns out that in her previous life, she relied on such cruel methods to climb to the position of Patriarch.

And now she has become a thorn in her eye, wondering what means she will use to deal with her?

"You are now the heir of the Feng family. I'm afraid you are in danger, so I came here to take a look."

"Thank you, Boss Daves." Sheng Ning stood up, bowed solemnly and thanked, "Thank you."

"You are welcome, we are partners now, and I have an obligation to protect you."

"Do you know who made it?"

"I heard that a Chinese woman who was locked up set the fire. I haven't found out what happened afterwards."

"Qin Cuifen?" Sheng Ning gritted her teeth bitterly. She had already told Feng Zhenzhen that Qin Cuifen could not stay. This kind of person is like a poisonous snake. You don't know when she will jump up and bite you when you are not prepared.

"Boss Daves, I want to buy the life of this oriental woman, can I?"

"No problem." Daves slapped the table quickly, "give me three days and promise to catch her in front of you."

"Thank you, how much do I want to give you?"

"Don't give it anymore. I'm talking about cooperation with the heir of the Feng family. How can I be so short-sighted."

Sheng Ning smiled bitterly. Is this the glory of the Feng family heir that Gu Yunbo said? What about responsibility? What price should she pay?

"I have one more thing for you to talk about today." Sheng Ning handed Daves the budget list he prepared in advance. "This is the staff, dancers, bands, etc. needed for the restart of the theater. I have listed them in detail. I don’t know much about the prices in the United States, so I’m going to trouble you."

It took nearly thirty minutes for Daves to turn it on and read it confidently. After reading it, the look in Shengning's eyes was completely different.

He thought that Sheng Ning said that it would be a vanity in his heart to restart the theater, but he did not expect it to be true. But this list completely changed his mind. The above list is very detailed.

He even knows more than him who has run a theater.

She is definitely not bragging, maybe she can.

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