"Okay! Pay attention to safety on the way and I will let Qin Yue pick you up."

"Hmm!" An An hung up excitedly, crying and laughing while holding a gray-haired old professor, completely out of control.

"It's over! Classmate An An is stupid."

"Little princess, is she out of control?"

"Let me just say it! She is too young, there is radiation here and can't stay here for too long. Is it all right?

"If there are sequelae, I can't spare you."

Many professors are filled with righteous indignation, roll up their sleeves aggressively, which can be love and fun.



With Shen Yu's death half a year ago, the Shen family fell silent. The old head of Shen ordered all descendants of the Shen family to be discharged from the army and transferred to jobs. One is for atonement, but also a warning.

The huge Shen family, the once invaluable Shen family, just fell down. Now the old head Shen is still alive and Yu Wei is still there, so no one dares to fall into trouble. If Mr. Shen left that day, the result would be predictable.

The Shen family was defeated, but the branch's Shen Feihu got better and better. As Xu Qigang was promoted to division commander, Shen Feihu also had a good face as the old leader.

The Shen family's house has been kept, and now it is Shen Ming who lives here.

When he heard the news that Xu Qigang was promoted to teacher, he couldn't sit still anymore. Walking around in a hurry, the floor was even stepped empty.

"No, you can't just sit and wait for death." He clutched his hair irritably, and he remained unwilling to give up during the period when he changed jobs and returned home, and did not want to find another way out.

In his opinion, wherever he fell, he would get up from wherever he fell.

At the beginning, he gave up so much energy to take down Shenyu, so that he could take his place. Who would have thought that Shen Yu was so crazy, completely disregarding family interests, dragging the entire Shen family into the abyss.

Shen Ming sat on the sofa in pain, regretting in his heart that he should have been a little bit cruel. If Shen Yu was killed earlier, there would be no future events.

"No, I'm going to find Grandpa." He stood up abruptly, and drove all the way to the old country house where Chief Shen retired.

The guard opened the door.

"I want to see my grandpa."

"The chief has been waiting for you for a long time."

The words of the guard company commander made Shen Ming look surprised. He didn't expect that his grandfather would wait for him for a long time. What does this mean? With doubts, he came to the back yard.

There was a group of chicks in the backyard. Old Chief Shen was feeding the chickens, with grains in his hands and never looked back. He calmly said, "Here?"

"Yes!" Shen Ming stood up straight, lowered his head and said, "Grandpa, I want to ask you for help."

Old Chief Shen waved his hand to the guard company commander, and after the latter left, he turned his head and looked at Shen Yu sharply. After staring for a full minute, Shen Yu was sweating all over, and his calf was trembling. Knowing that he couldn't support it, he knelt on the ground with a thud before taking back his eyes.

"You shouldn't kneel now, you should have been kneeling in from the city." Old Chief Shen calmly walked to the recliner where he usually rested and sat down. However, once the words were not calm, Shen Ming's nervous forehead was filled with sweat.

He understood the warning in Grandpa's words.

Do you know your own business?

This guess scared him almost lost his soul. Climbing on his knees in front of the head of Shen, confessed: "Grandpa, I don't know what I did wrong. If I upset your old man, please forgive me."

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