May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1470: Shen Ming returns

"It's all this time, and it's still **** me."

"Grandpa, I really don't know."

"I think you can't cry without seeing the coffin." Senior Chief Shen looked at him coldly, "It is not so much that Shen Yu dragged our Shen family into the abyss, it is better to say that it is you. You better never let it go. Others know that otherwise it won't be enough to kill you a thousand times."

Looking at the grandson in front of him, Chief Shen really wanted to strangle him directly.

He has been on the battlefield all his life, what kind of wind and rain he has never experienced, but in the end he was calculated by his grandson who had never paid attention. And it was calculated to such an unbearable situation.

But now he can't do anything, can't choke him to death with his own hands, can't quell his hatred. Because his eldest grandson is gone, now the Shen family can only rely on him.

But how could he be willing.

"Grandpa..." Shen Ming knocked his head to the bottom in fright, and kept tapping his forehead on the ground, making a sound. But he didn't know the pain, and tried harder.

"Forget it!" Senior Chief Shen sighed, "Get up! Things are over, after all, it's my grandson what can I do to you."

"Thank you, thank you!" Shen Ming quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and stood up frightened.

"sit down!"


Old Chief Shen glanced at him lukewarmly, "What are you doing here? Let's talk!"

Originally, Shen Ming wanted to say a lot, and he thought about it in his heart. Move with affection and understand reason. Grandpa must promise him to continue to serve in the army or politics. But now he still dares!

"Dare to say?"

" grandpa...I just want to..."

Old Chief Shen sneered, he knew he couldn't say such brazen words! It's so funny.

"Want to join the army?"

Shen Ming stared at the head of Shen with fright. He didn't expect all his plans and all his thoughts to be hidden from him. It was really terrifying. In vain, he prided himself on being clever and played Shen Yu in his hands.

"Grandpa..." Shen Ming took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to say: "Grandpa, we can't continue to be passive like this. Xu Qigang is now the commander of the special combat division. When you are gone, he will definitely wait for an opportunity to retaliate."


"Let me join the army! You have paid so much for the army in your life, we can't just withdraw from the stage of history like this."

"What then? This alone can't convince people, and with these, you can hardly get ahead whether you are in the military or in politics."

Shen Ming hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Grandpa, I know you are not reconciled, right? You have been high-spirited all your life. How can you allow your back to live like a mouse, being suppressed and bullied? "

"Even if you're right? What if you have enough energy, you can only accept your fate."

"Grandpa, I will succeed, and I will let the enemy repay the shame that our Shen family has suffered." Shen Ming's eyes burst with a strong ambition and hatred.

"You still don't know the situation." Old Chief Shen shook his head disappointedly, "I never thought my son and grandson were more stupid than the other, stupid and hopeless."

"Grandpa..." Although Shen Ming was good at forbearing, he couldn't see his grandpa scolding him stupidly in front of him.

"I know your plan. Now the Shen family is dormant for Mingzhe's protection, right? You didn't kill me because I still use it, and my role is to revitalize the Shen family, right?"

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