May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1471: Special Operations Division

"Hahaha..." Old Chief Shen let out an inexplicable laugh, and then said for a long time: "You are right!" He took out a letter from his body and threw it on the table.

"This is a letter of recommendation written by me personally. Take him to the Northwest Military Region. Someone will arrange for you to join the army."

Shen Ming grabbed it, his excited cheeks flushed, "Grandpa, I don't think you will be disappointed, why would I win the Shen family."

"Yeah!" Senior Chief Shen closed his eyes wearily, and never looked at Shen Ming again.

The guard company commander came in from outside and made a please gesture to Shen Ming.

"The chief is tired, he needs to rest, please go back!"

"Okay, I will see Grandpa next time." Shen Ming left excitedly.

The old head Shen, who had closed his eyes, slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with endless sadness and pain. When he knew everything Shen Ming had done, he couldn't accept it.

But the **** facts lay before his eyes, and he couldn't tolerate him not accept it. Not only had to accept but also protect the beast, which made him feel as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

In order to protect this beast, the strong man broke his wrist and used it to protect himself.

The outside world is telling about his righteousness and extinction, and he is very handsome, but who knows his embarrassment. If not, Shen Ming's act of shooting Shen Yu has already aroused Xu Qigang and Qin Yue's suspicion. If the rapids don't retreat bravely, they will definitely be investigated.

At that time, the Shen family will have a second Shen Yu.

He can't afford to lose.

Can not afford to lose this person.

My fame was destroyed like this, completely destroyed. After he died, what face did he have to meet his old chief?

"Chief." The guard company commander cautiously shouted.

Since the chief came back from the city, his condition has become very poor. Shen Ming came today and suddenly recovered to his previous good state, which not only didn't reassure him, but was even more worried.

The old heads of the year have all gone, and there are really not many alive, and none of them is a huge loss.

"Get An An back, I want to see her." Senior Chief Shen ordered.

"I'll get in touch."

The company commander of the guard hurried out and hurried in before long. He happily said: "Just called, classmate Sheng'an has already come out of the Northwest, and will come to you first." I thought I would be unable to contact him. Unexpectedly it was such a coincidence.

"That's good." Senior Chief Shen closed his eyes wearily, his whole person was much older than before, and the age spots on his face were more obvious.


Special Operations Division

The new division was established, and it was expanded ten times on the basis of the original war wolf group, and all the large mountain areas behind the original war wolf group belonged to the scope of the special combat division.

The mountain area is now planning and constructing training venues in accordance with Xu Qigang's requirements. There are all kinds of imitating extremely harsh environments, and all soldiers now have to undergo special assessments, and only those who pass the assessment can be selected as special combat divisions.

The Northern Military Region issued a notice that all fighters who newly entered the special forces division can sign up and enter the training grounds of the special forces divisions in the mountainous area for the ultimate assessment after passing through layers of screening.

Not only was the notice issued to the Northern Military District, but the other three friendly military districts also sent a copy.

It is conceivable how hot the scene will be. Originally, the Wolf Warriors Group was a golden sign, and many people would rather come in if they were demoted. Now that the Wolf Group has upgraded to become a special warfare division, the simple word "special warfare" can make people excited.

Who doesn't want to be a special soldier?

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