She is obviously the same. An An's eyes were foggy, and the depths seemed to contain the boundless secrets of the universe. She stood there silently looking at Qin Yue, a glance that seemed to penetrate time and space.

Qin Yue jumped off the front of the car, clearly feeling his heart beating violently.

"I'm back finally." He walked up to her, trying to reach out and hug her, stealing a kiss while she didn't pay attention as before. When she scolded the hooligans, she did not let go.

But in the end he restrained his impulse, and he was very happy that she could come back this time. Qin Yue knew that An An came back because of Sheng Ning, and he was extremely grateful to Sheng Ning for being alive, otherwise he was sure An Anneng would never leave Northwest China.

He stayed in the Northern Military District for so long and refused to return to the Southern Military District, his reconnaissance regiment, his division commander, his commander and his family. They are all urging him to go back. Everyone knows the pressure on him, and he is really going to be unable to support it.

If An An can't come out, he may not be able to wait any longer.

Now she is out, so good! For her, he was willing even if he died in the Northern Military District. What family, what responsibility, what obligation is not as important to him as the woman he likes.

He was originally a hooligan, those people don't think he would die like Xu Qigang's second fool.

An An looked at Qin Yue and nodded invisibly, "Hmm! Are you here to pick me up?" Her nervous palms were sweating, but she didn't understand why she was nervous.

"Yes, your brother-in-law arranged for me to come. He is now my superior." In fact, he grabbed this opportunity after he defeated Chen Yingjie.

"What's the matter with your face?" An An pointed at the corner of his eye.

There is a small bruise on Qin Yue's handsome and compelling face. Although it is not very obvious, it can't jump through An An's eyes.

"Ah? Oh... I accidentally fell during training." This Chen Yingjie was also a second stunned person. Xu Qigang asked him to compete with him just as if he didn't know how to release the water privately, so how to become the leader in the future?

What a mess!

An An took out a unique band-aid from her bag, tearing open the outer packaging in the shape of a paperclip, and stepped forward with her toes to help Qin Yue stick it on.

It's a pity that he is tall, so if he doesn't bow his head, it's not easy to post it crookedly.

"You lower your head, how come you are like a fool?"

"Ah? Oh!" Qin Yue immediately lowered his head, staring at the girl close at hand with deep eyes. In fact, since Ann approached, he was stunned.

The dignified soldier of the Southern Military Region stands stupidly like an idiot. It is estimated that if his soldiers or soldiers from the Southern Military Region see it, their eyes will fall.

"what is this?"

"Band-aid, a gadget made by our research base, is very effective on wounds." An An put it on, took a step back and took out a box from his carrying bag and handed it to him.

"I brought this to you. There are many posts in it when you are injured during training."

"Is it for me alone?" Qin Yue was very excited.

"...Yes." Seeing his smile, An An swallowed when he reached the lips. When can he use up such a big bag alone? Unless it is injured every day.

It is absolutely impossible for the little gangster to get hurt every day. She had seen him give a fighting lesson to the big guy in school.

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