May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1478: Conditional exchange

"Let's go back, the King of Living Hades will be happy to see you."

"I'll meet my grandpa first."

"Shen Family?" Qin Yue's face was a little more solemn, but he didn't say anything, and directly let her get in the car.

An An turned around and greeted the special police who had been protecting him all the way, and agreed to contact him, and then he got into Qin Yue's car and left. Along the way, Qin Yue was very dissatisfied with the sudden emergence of the special police, with strong guard.

It's like a Tibetan mastiff with blown up hair.

"Who was the special police officer just now?"

"It's the bodyguard assigned to me."

"It's too trivial, right? Who would dare to touch you with my protection?" Qin Yue hooked his mouth and found that the strangeness between the two was gradually dissipating, which made him feel better and better.

An An stared at him, and guessed that he still didn't know about being selected for the Academy of Sciences, right? As the youngest and youngest weapon research expert, her importance is even more important than some academicians.

However, this also caused her a lot of trouble. An An leaned back in his seat, lost in thought. I knew it would be like this, let alone entering the Northwest, she wouldn't even go to school.

My sister is in the U.S., she must go immediately. However, the country would not agree. If she wanted to go, she could only find her grandpa.

This is also the reason why Grandpa's guard company commander called her and she would agree to come to see Grandpa first.

When the car arrived in the town, it was time for dinner. The guard company commander had already waited at the door. As soon as the car stopped, he hurried up to open the door, and then made a please sign.

"The chief has been waiting for you." At this meeting, his attitude towards An An was completely different, and An An felt very different to him.

Not the innocent and kindness at the beginning, nor the coldness later.

"Thank you!" An An nodded, then turned around and said to Qin Yue: "Wait for me, I'll be out soon."

"Okay!" Qin Yue watched her go in, got out of the car and started smoking.

In the yard, the old chief Shen's favorite lounge chair was empty. The guard company commander took him to the room. The old chief was eating dinner. A piece of cake made of sorghum noodles, a bowl of taro porridge with pickles.

In a high position, his eating habits are still the same as before.

"Grandpa." An An shouted as he walked to the dinner table.

"Yeah! Are you willing to call my grandpa?" The old chief put down the cake in his hand and laughed.

"I'll let my aunt come back to see you!" An An frowned when she saw grandpa's appearance, and she had a bad feeling in her heart.

"No, it's useless for anyone to come back. Although she forgave me for so many years, the estrangement has already occurred."

"No." An An is not very good at persuading people, and can only comment in his tone: "My aunt misses you very much, so she feels guilty for Nian."

"Okay, she knows she is guilty." Old Chief Shen waved his hand to let the guard company commander go out, and changed the subject, "Don't talk about this, I have something to leave to you."

"I won't help you with anything." An An directly refused, "What you said is too scary." Grandpa didn't take action, and when he shot it, it was a big move.

"I'll make a deal with you." Not only was the old chief not angry, but he also laughed. "Do you want to go to the United States? The country does not allow it?"

An An's eyes lit up, and a happy smile suddenly appeared. The smile at the moment was pure and innocent was still the original Sheng'an.

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