May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1479: Old head Shen passed away

"Yes, how do you know Grandpa?"

"Look, it's a real stinky girl, now you know to use you instead of you?" The old chief laughed.

"Don't tell me? You will regret it if you don't tell me. Even if you find me, I won't agree."

"Say, I said it's not alright?" The old chief likes such a straightforward character the most, and at the same time he can be cruel. This is how he looked when he was young.

"I want to entrust the Shen family to you, and I don't need you to do anything. I can help the Shen family when you can."

"Don't worry, I agree." An An nodded without even thinking about it, after all, there is still the love between her aunt and her mother.

"One more thing." The old chief's voice was lowered a lot, "I will help me deal with Shen Ming personally in the future."

An An didn't ask the reason, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then nodded decisively.

"Well, let's talk about it, the person in our Shen family who resembles me most is still you."

"Hai Yunbing said the same."

The old chief was shocked, and then there was a cheerful laugh.

The guard company commander waiting outside heard the old chief's laugh, and silently wiped his tears with his sleeve. Since Shen Yu's death, the old chief has crushed a stone in his heart, and he has never had a comfortable day.

"How did you let me go to the United States? When can I go? I told you that I would definitely disagree if the time is long." She agreed, and now it's her turn to ask.

"how about tomorrow?"

"Really?" An An's eyes widened in surprise, "I am now selected into the Academy of Sciences."

"I know! Um... it's the glory of our old Shen family."

"Hai Yunbing said the same."

"I'm really annoyed when I hear the name Haiyunbing. I was really blind and let him be my son-in-law?" I used to **** his daughter, but now I want to **** his granddaughter.

This is my enemy! I was really blind.

An An nodded solemnly. "Me too, annoying."

"You go back! Waiting for my good news."

"it is good!"

An An didn't stand up obediently, and there was a rare trace of reluctance on her calm face, "Grandpa, take care of your body."

"Hmm! I know, I'm in good health!"

"I'm leaving."

"Let's go! I'm really annoyed to see you now, it really is the kind of Haiyun soldier."

"I'm really gone."

"let's go!"

An An looked at the old man nostalgic lastly, and looked at the old-fashioned Baxian table and the coarse tea and rice on the table.

This time leaving is also a farewell.

The next day, she received the permission notice from the Academy of Sciences and the exit formalities from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the same time, the news of the death of the old head Shen came along.

Her procedures can be done so quickly, and the country can agree to it for an unprecedented time. Shouldn't it be Grandpa's last wish before he died?

Grandpa's feats were so great throughout his life that no one could refuse his last wish before he died.

She looked at the document, thinking of her grandfather's death, and her will silently wiped away her tears.

"Sister, I'm going, we can see you soon."


On the other side of the ocean, Feng's Manor

The first room on the left side of the second floor after the fire, although it has been professionally refurbished, it still smells pungent and burnt leather. The servants who passed by this room were all cautious and hurried.

And the many young daughters and daughters of Feng's family do not go out to study, or to meet friends or travel. The older ones who participated in the family business all used overtime as an excuse for not coming back.

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