May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1480: Deprivation of inheritance

Feng Zhenzhen was really burned too badly, and there was no good skin on his whole body, which was too scary.

Feng Xintong said he went to school, but actually went to see Qin Cuifen. Her original plan was to kill Qin Cuifen after setting fire to her, but she did not expect that she was so cunning that she would run out by herself.

This is a scourge, she will kill her no matter what.

If you let Grandpa know, you will die with it.

At dinner time, the originally lively restaurant was not crowded. Mr. Feng appeared with a cane. He glanced at the restaurant and asked unhappily, "Where are people?"

"Not back."

Mr. Feng sat down and said, "Zhen Zhen has something wrong, and none of them will come back. I can't drive away at ordinary times. Xiao Ni."

"Yes, sir."

"You count, who doesn't come back tonight, don't come back later." Mr. Feng wiped his hands with a towel and began to eat.

His dinner was very cold, and the bird's nest porridge was paired with a little home-style side dish.

"Yes." Manager Ni replied blankly.

The servants and chefs in the restaurant were all taken aback.

The gentleman always speaks exactly the same. If you say you don't want to come back, you don't want to come back. Don't even want to step in the manor in the future. What else is there to be driven out of the manor?

It is said that her husband does not spoil Miss Zhenzhen anymore, but now it is not so. Mrs. Zhen Zhen was burned, and her husband became angry.

Mr. Feng was halfway through the meal, and Director Xing finally returned from the hospital.

Manager Ni raised his hand and took the servant to leave to empty the dining room.

"I'm back, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet." Manager Xing answered honestly.

"Let's go together then!"

"Okay." Mr. Xing sat down at the lower head, took a bowl of porridge, and ate another piece of egg cake.

Mr. Feng patiently finished eating, then asked: "How about Zhenzhen? Can he recover?"

Manager Xing put down the cake in his hand and shook his head sternly, "No, there will be a series of skin grafts later, but the body functions and appearance cannot be restored to the original state."

The whole body suffered extensive deep burns, and the tendons of the right arm shrank and the entire right arm was destroyed.

"I just withdrew the secret protection for her, and almost lost my life. Such heirs let me give her the family with confidence in the future."

Director Xing’s position cannot be expressed. I really don't know whether to say that Miss Zhenzhen is too stupid, or that she has been protected too well since she was young and forgets her own danger.

He has always sent someone to protect Miss Zhen Zhen. That is, from the beginning of the banquet, the people around Miss Zhenzhen were formally evacuated, but something happened that night.

"Where is Qin Cuifen? Have you caught it?" Mr. Feng absolutely did not allow Qin Cuifen to continue to live in this world. His heir, even if he is dissatisfied, he has no reason to hand it over to others.

Qin Cuifen must die.

"I was caught by Miss Sheng Ning, so our people retreated." Director Xing replied: "Qin Cuifen and Miss Sheng Ning had an antagonism in China, and they were almost killed by Qin Cuifen while on the ship."

"Done well, we must confirm the death."

"I know, the other person behind the scenes..."

Manager Xing was interrupted by Mr. Feng before he finished speaking, "It's okay to have a survivor. I don't want to find the man behind the scenes for the time being."

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