May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1481: Qin Cuifen was arrested

"Yes!" Manager Xing is really getting more and more confused about Mr.'s thoughts.

"Cancel the position of Zhen Zhen's heir!" Mr. Feng wiped his hands and stood up, and went out with his cane.

Manager Xing stood there blankly, and it took a long time to react. When he wanted to answer, Mr. had already left.

Ms. Zhenzhen’s original heir’s position could no longer be kept, but is it really appropriate to be burned so badly by someone who is unpredictable?

You can cancel it after a while!

Does the Feng family really have no affection?

Manager Ni walked in from the outside and saw Manager Xing in a daze. He couldn't help asking, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing." Manager Xing put away his sentiment, "Let the servant send some liquid food to Miss Zhenzhen. All I brought before were smashed."

"I see." Manager Ni nodded without saying anything.

Manager Xing looked around and suddenly felt that the manor was full of shadows.


Daves said that Qin Cuifen was arrested in three days, but it only took him one day to arrest him. The speed of work efficiency also shows that his connections and influence on the road are definitely not comparable to Julien, a human smuggler.

"Miss Sheng Ning, our boss invites you to come." Two bodyguards standing in the doorway wearing black suits said.

Sheng Ning is busy measuring the size in the theater lobby. The decoration before the reopening is somewhat out of date. She is busy revising the small details. This saves money and has unexpected results.

"What's the matter?" Sheng Ning asked, standing up straight and puzzled. She has not been to Daves's site so far. What will the U.S. gangster's site look like?

"The person you want has been caught, the boss invites you to go."

"Okay!" Sheng Ning knew Qin Cuifen had been arrested when she heard it. The place where she lives is really not suitable for taking people away. It's not good to scare children.

She and Qin Cuifen entangled the feud of the two lives and should also understand.

Not for herself, even for the child, she would have to do this cruelty, Feng Zhenzhen's incident is a **** example. No matter who is behind the mastermind, Qin Cuifen is a huge threat.

After confessing Aunt Feng and Lin En, she went out.

Recently, Gu Yunbo was dragged by Arthur to go to work, and she was the only one who attended the world-famous West Point Military Academy.

Following the bodyguard's car all the way to the Upper East Side, Daves' base camp is a villa with an amazing area. The car drove in slowly, and after stopping at the gate, Sheng Ning was about to get out of the car. The bodyguard quickly helped her open the door.

Seeing that, I'm afraid I won't be able to open the door.

Sheng Ning was a little embarrassed. She forgot that Western countries pay attention to gentleman's demeanor, and helping women open the door is the most basic demeanor.

"Please come in."

"Thank you!" She looked back, always feeling that another pair of eyes were staring at her behind her back, but she didn't find anything but gave up.

Step on the three-step marble staircase and enter the gate to see a magnificent hall and conspicuous spiral staircase. The blood stain caused by dragging on the marble floor tiles is eye-catching.

Sheng Ning walked step by step to Qin Cuifen, who was kneeling on the ground, stepping on the blood.

Seeing Qin Cuifen's embarrassment, her eyes widened slightly, and she couldn't believe that the person in front of her was actually Qin Cuifen. He was bloated, his chin was folded into three layers, and the fat on his waist and legs was even squeezed out when he was kneeling on the ground.

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