May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1497: Unhappy with each other

After leaving the airport, An An stopped and stood there for ten minutes, looking at everything that was unfamiliar.

She has two addresses in her hand. The first address is Chinatown and the second is Broadway Victoria Theatre. Judging from the time, my sister should be at the second address.

An An took out a steamed bun from her bag and ate it bite by bite with water.

It was too rushed, too sudden, and it was a special passage, and everything was unprepared. Fortunately, I developed a good habit of bringing dry food to the market in the countryside.

After eating the buns, she took a deep breath and started walking towards the city.

She has come over half the earth, and these distances can't hinder her.


Gu Yunbo has been very busy lately, leaving early every day and returning late. When I came back late in the evening, I would bring her something to eat by the way, and Sheng Ning heard the quarrel upstairs when she entered the door.

Looking down, it was Arthur who was not surprised.

"Hi! Ning!" Arthur raised his head to say hello when he saw the window open, "I am looking forward to your arrival tomorrow."

Sheng Ning did not understand, and looked at Gu Yunbo.

"Don't pay attention to him, this is a lunatic."

"Gu." Arthur shouted, "I am your sir. Please pay attention to the tone of your speech."

"I'm not a soldier from your country, I'm just an external hire." Gu Yunbo looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. "I tell you, don't stare at me every day, otherwise I will resign."

Recently, Arthur has been staring too closely, and she can't even make extra money.

"Okay, I'm leaving, good night." Arthur waved to the two of them, turned to his car and started to leave.

Gu Yunbo ran up, throwing his hat on Shengning's table.

"Is Arthur likes you?" Sheng Ning turned the pen in his hand and said playfully, "Are you not going to think about it?"

"No, don't mention it later."

"Okay." Meng Fan is no longer there. Sheng Ning doesn't like her friend's loneliness. But she also understands Gu Yunbo's mood well, so she is also very conflicted.

"By the way, starting tomorrow, you will take a long time to go to West Point School for training with me, and teach me how to shoot by the way." Gu Yunbo dropped the words and turned to his room.

"Okay." This is what Sheng Ning said before, and Sheng Ning answered readily.

Now the theater has not officially resumed business. It is Aunt Feng who opens every morning and she wants to go out to purchase. As soon as she opened the door today, she saw a dark figure falling in.

Aunt Feng was startled and couldn't help screaming, "Ah..."

Gu Yunbo rushed downstairs like a gust of wind, and took out the gun in his hand and pointed it at the shadow.

"Who are you talking about?" She stared at the gray-faced girl in front of her guard.

An An rubbed her eyes. She was a little bit unable to open her eyes by the morning sun. After walking all night last night, her legs were almost not hers.

I finally got there, and fell asleep by leaning against the door after seeing the door closed. After only half an hour of falling asleep, I was awakened.

An An, who is angry about getting up, is very dissatisfied.

"Who are you?" She didn't even look at the gun in Gu Yunbo's hand. She said with a cold face and angrily: "Why are you here?" I thought it was my sister's place, but suddenly two strangers appeared. People, this makes An An feel a sense of loss.

Doesn't sister live here?

In Chinatown?

Thinking of going to Chinatown, An An's face became more gloomy.

"I said kid, who did you say? Believe it or not, I shot you?" Gu Yunbo was also annoyed by this stinky girl. He looked young. Why did those eyes make her so uncomfortable?

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