May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1498: Two crying together

"You won't!" An An looked into Gu Yunbo's eyes, "You may not care about life before, but now you cherish life, or respect life."

"Damn it!" Where is this little kid who ran out? Why does it seem unfathomable to be young?

"Also, I am not a kid." An An corrected.

"What are you doing? Blocked in front of my house?" Gu Yunbo put away the gun, looked at the girl in front of him with his hands on his chest, and looked up and down. "Were you at the door last night?"

"Actually it came just before dawn." An An was tired, rubbing her eyes and asking: "I want to find a person named Shengning. Have you met?"

"Are you looking for Shengning?" The guard that Gu Yunbo had just put down was raised again.

"Looking at your reaction, you should have seen it." An An was very happy, she didn't find the wrong one, she was at the second address. It was great. She was so excited about seeing her sister soon.

That kind of joy and joy seems to gradually spread from the depths of my heart to every cell. Let her sweep away the exhaustion of the whole night, and the whole person looks radiant.

I thought my sister was dead, and I would never see her in this life. God is really kind to her.

"Who are you? What's your name?" Gu Yunbo asked: "If you want to find someone, you must first learn to declare your family."

"My name is Sheng An, and I am Sheng Ning's younger sister."

"Huh?" Aunt Feng made an incredible voice.

"Really? You are not a lie, are you?" Gu Yunbo looked up and down, "The one looks nothing like it."

"Actually, I don't have any blood relationship with my sister, but we are the closest sisters." An An explained, afraid of being misunderstood, and hurriedly said: "So blood relationship is not important."

"Oh oh oh... but how did you come? There is not enough time!"

"Airplane." She pointed to the sky. "It landed at JFK Airport in the middle of the night."

"But I heard Sheng Ning say..." Gu Yunbo just wanted to say that Sheng Ning once said that her sister is a genius and it is difficult to go abroad. As a result, An An had already reacted before the words were finished.

"Sister, are you there? I'm An An." An An shouted with both hands as a loudspeaker: "Sister, hurry up, a bad guy stopped me and won't let me find you."

Sheng Ning, who was holding her little sister upstairs, heard the familiar shouts from downstairs, and thought she was hearing hallucinations. Is it An An's voice? How can it be?

She shook her head intuitively, An An should be at the National Defense University. Hai Yunbing said nothing would let her out. At this time, anyone could come to her, but An An was the most unlikely.

"Sister, are you there? The bad guy is about to hit me." An An's voice came again.

Sheng Ning twisted herself a bit, sure it was not an illusion, she almost threw the little sister out of her hand with joy immediately, and sweat came out of fright.

"Wow..." The little sister cried sadly.

"Don't cry, don't cry."

The little sister cried, and the little brother also cried. Sheng Ning was in a hurry and finally understood that it was really hard to have two children at once. If you want to hold, you need to hold it at the same time, otherwise she can't bear it in her heart.

Who are you hugging?

The kid's father wants to come quickly! She will be exhausted if she doesn't come again. When the Living Hades arrives, you can easily handle it with one left hand and one right hand.

Now the two are crying together, who is she going to coax first?

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